4.4 Technical data
WARNING - The approved total weight may not be exceeded because it can lead to
malfunction or cause an overload of the CR2304!
NOTE - Observe the technical data.
CR2304 / CR2314
= min. 1302 mm - max. 1650 mm,
= 496 mm
Depth with the foot rest folded in
= 864 mm
Depth with the foot rest folded out
= 1000 mm
Climbing unit = 33.5 kg, Battery pack = 4.2 kg
Total weight without arm rests = 37.7 kg
Total weight approved
268 kg
Max. weight of the person
230 kg
Climbing speed
7 - 19 steps / minute, continually adjustable
Range with one charge of the batteries
approx. 300 steps
Maximum height of step
210 | 225 mm (extended climbing height)
Minimum height of step
140 mm
Necessary step width (straight stairs)
596 mm
Minimum platform size (U-shaped stairs)
1350 x 1350 mm
Minimum radius of spiral staircases
1350 mm
Maximum gradient of the stairs
Tilt stability
In driving direction 3.7° / against driving direction 2.7 °
2 x 12 V / 5 Ah (gas-proof)
Direct current motor
24 V / 275 W
Operating force UP/DOWN-switch
3-8 N
Direct operating force
max. 350 N whilst climbing upstairs / downstairs (chapter 7.6)
Noise information
70 dB
Storing/operating temperature, device
0° C up to +60° C / -30° C up to +50° C
Storing/operating temperature, batteries
0° C up to +60° C / -30° C up to +50° C
Vibration information
The weighted RMS value of acceleration the upper body is exposed to
lies typically below 2.5 m/s².
Type label with serial number
Left on the power unit and the rear side of the user manual
IP-Protection class
PX4 protection class: Protection against splash water from all sides
Classification according to ISO 7176-28:2012
Type C (table 1 of annex A)
1) The climbing speed as well as the range with one charge of the batteries is reduced if the ComfortStep is activated.
2) Never use the stair climber to climb stairs with too little depth because it is no longer possible for the main wheels to touch the steps safely.
In the interest of progress we reserve the right for technical changes.