Search by Name
To search for a contact by name in the central phonebook, do the
1. Press Menu, select Contacts, and press Select.
2. Select Central phonebook, and press Select.
3. Select Search by name, and press Select.
4. Enter the first or last name and press Search.
A message box saying Searching is displayed.
5. Press Call or
Add a Contact from the Central Phonebook Search
When the search result is received, it is possible to add the name and
number as a contact. Do the following:
1. Press More.
2. Select Add to cont. and press Select.
3. Press Save.
View last Search Result
To view the last search result:
1. Press Menu, select Contacts, and press Select.
2. Select Central phonebook, and press Select.
3. Select Last Result, and press Select.
Add a Name and a Number
To add a name and a number to the phonebook, do the following:
1. Press Menu and select Contacts.
2. Mark Add contact and press Select.
3. Mark New or From call list and press Select.
If New is chosen:
a. Press Add, enter the name, and press OK.
1424_EN_LZT103087.doc Rev B2 2009-09-11
Copyright Aastra Telecom Sweden, 2009.
All rights reserved.