12 Administrator Settings
Exception Numbers
Specify numbers that must be dialed directly in all cases. The main purpose is to make
sure that special numbers such as operator voice mail and the like are not considered
for any special routing via the AMC.
To specify more than one number, separate them with dashes "-" (no white spaces).
Emergency numbers do not have to be specified here, as they are treated sep-
arately. The major emergency numbers for all continents such as 112 and 911 are
preloaded in the AMC. If you have any special or regional numbers however, you can
configure them here.
Dual Mode Settings
Single Mode
Dual Mode
Single Mode
it allows cellular networks and Packet Data for signaling (
Packet Data
and/or Wi-Fi, this depends on the device), i.e., if you want to have SIP signaling over
Wi-Fi but call-setup signaling and media over the cellular network, you need to select
Single Mode
The setting
Dual Mode
allows Voice-over-Wi-Fi, but it requires that the Android device
supports Wi-Fi and that the required settings in the native OS are made.
Consumption of Packet Data
Packet Data
setting lets you specify when packet data (for example
Packet Data
) should be used; refer to
Native-Dialer Dependent
Whether a data channel is established via Wi-Fi or via
Packet Data
on the Network Preferences you have chosen in the native Android applica-
tion. If a preferred Wi-Fi network is available, this network will be used for the
data channel.
VoIP Settings
The IP address is the IP address or host name of your AMCC (or the first network
device in between AMC and AMCC). The default port is 5062.