Call in Progress
Call on Hold
You may place the caller on hold by pressing the Hold Button. The line button with the call on hold will blink.
To resume the call, press the Hold button again, or press the blinking line button in which the call is on hold.
When you place a caller on hold, remember the call is only on your phone. Another person cannot ‘pickup’ Line X from
another phone. See Call Park/Pickup for that functionality.
Active call
You can place a 2
active call by placing the current call on hold, and pressing the next Line button.
You can quickly switch between the 2 active calls by pressing the appropriate Line button. This will not hang up the line for
the active call, but place the call on hold.
To end one of the active calls, press the [Goodbye] button.
Announced Transfer
You can transfer the current active call to any number or extension by talking to the transferring party first before completing
the transfer. The person you are calling will see your phone caller ID name and number.
Press the [Transfer] button. This will automatically place the caller on hold.
Dial the desired number or extension. Or if you have a custom extension button programmed, press that custom button to call
that extension.
When the receiving party answers, announce the call. If the receiving party wishes to accept the call, press the [Transfer]
button again or hang up the phone to complete the transfer.
IMPORTANT: If the receiving party does not want to accept the call, or the receiving party does not answer, Press the
[Cancel] button to cancel the transfer. The [Cancel] Button is the left navigation arrow key, which appears after the phone starts calling
out. Do not hang up the phone, or press the [Goodbye] button, for this will complete the transfer and not cancel it.
1 Button Blind Transfer using extension buttons
This can only be done if you have purchased custom programming to program BLF buttons on the 30i/31i phone.
DO NOT put the call on Hold. The call must be active for 1 button transfer to work
While on a active call, press the custom BLF button.
Call is automatically transferred, and the receiving party seems the original caller ID name and number, not yours.
Blind Transfer using keypad numbers
You can transfer the current active call to any number or extension with out an announcement. The person you are
transferring to will see the original phone caller ID name and number, not yours.
Press the [Transfer] button. This will automatically place the caller on hold.
Dial the desired number or extension.
Quickly press the [Transfer] button again to complete the transfer.
You do not need to press the dial button, because the transfer button starts the call, and transfers it.
Blind Transfer Directly to an Employees Voicemail.
You can transfer the current active call to an employees voicemail with out their phone ringing and disturbing them.
Press the [Transfer] button. This will automatically place the caller on hold.
Dial the employees extension number, followed by the asterisk “*” key (example: 101*)
Quickly press the [Transfer] button again to complete the transfer.
You do not need to press the dial button, because the transfer button starts the call, and transfers it.
Aastra 3xi Training Guide Page 3