Aarrow Stove User Guide
i Series Freestanding Stoves
The Aarrow i Series freestanding stove features two air control sliders. The
slider on the right hand side is used when burning solid fuels, whereas the slider
on the left is used when burning wood. Keep the unused slider in the closed
Figure 3 illustrates the open and closed settings of the two air controls. Setting
the slider somewhere between the fully open and fully closed positions allows you
to control the burn rate for either fuels.
Figure 3: i Series air inlet controls.
Lighting your stove
Smoke Control Zones
Please check the data plate before operating in a Smoke Control Zone to ensure
it is a compliant product, indicated by the letters ’SCE’ or just ’SC’ following the
product name.
The i400 / 400 T F SCE, i500 SCE, i600 SCE, i600SLF i750 SCE, ECB5PLUS SC
and ECB7PLUS SC have been recommended for burning wood in a smoke control
area and are manufactured with a modified air control to prevent full closure.
Refuelling on to a low fire bed
If there is insufficient burning material in the firebed to light a new fuel charge,
excessive smoke emission can occur. Refuelling must be carried out onto a
sufficient quantity of glowing embers and ash that the new fuel charge will ignite
in a reasonable period. If there are too few embers in the fire bed, add suitable
kindling to prevent excessive smoke
BK530 Rev13