© Aaronia AG 2016 | www.aaronia.com
4.2.6. RefLevel
(reference level) Default: 0dBm
The reference level sets the position of the displayed signals
relative to the top of the screen in dBm. The lower the setting
(e.g. -20dBm), the closer to the noise and the more interfer
ing signals will be visible.
The reference level is used as graphic suppression of in-
terfering, weak signals. The higher the reference level, the
more weak signals and interference are hidden. Usually 20
to 30dBm are optimal. Here only the „peaks“ of the strongest
signals are still being displayed, the rest will be „cut off“. A
strong main signal is more visible. On the other hand in order
to be able to display weak signals, the reference level should
be set as low as possible.
4.2.7. Ampt Range
(dynamics) Default: 100dB
Dynamics determines the amplitude scale. A high dynam-
ic range allows for a better overview of the different signal
sources, but very weak signals are displayed poorly. A small
dynamic value reveals more details, but some of the signal
sources might be „cut off“ at the top or bottom (depending on
the RefLevel setting). Therefore the dynamics can be com-
pared with a „zoom function“ in the Y-axis.
The displayed grid allows for a quick level overview of the
different sources, since a box always corresponds to 1/10 of
the set dynamics.