© Aaronia AG 2016 | www.aaronia.com
In SOFT mode the Span can be freely selected and may be very large. Please note however,
that currently the RBW is still fixed at 200kHz. Because of the screen size, we recommend that
the span in this mode should be no more than 1GHz and no less than 5MHz.
4.2.3. StartFrq & StopFrq
(Start- & Stop-frequency)
StartFrq (Start frequency) determines at which frequen
cy the measuring range should start, while StopFrq (Stop
frequency), determines at which frequency the measuring
range should stop. This results in the entire frequency range
(Span), which is measured.
The displayed grid allows for a rapid frequency allocation
of the individual signal sources, since a box always corre-
sponds to 1/10 of the set span
: A large frequency range reduces the measurement accuracy and makes
the presentation on the X-axis more difficult. Therefore single signals, especially
those close to each other, are often indistinguishable. For a better presentation of
large-frequency ranges, we strongly recommend to use the supplied RTSA Suite
Reduce the frequency range, so you can explore the range in more detail. You get
a much higher level of detail and a higher measurement accuracy. Therefore we
only recommend a large frequency range to get a quick overview, but not for an
accurate measurement.