MHGRV-X Field Technical Guide
Inputs and Outputs
Table 1: MHGRV-X Controller Inputs & Outputs
All analog and 24 VAC contact closure inputs are used
only in Stand Alone operation.
Analog Inputs
SAT: Supply Air Temperature Sensor
Used in stand-alone operation and when MODGAS is connected
to a CAV/VAV or MUA Controller. The Supply Air Temperature
Sensor is the main control input. This sensor has to be installed for
the unit to operate. The Supply Air Temperature Sensor is located
in the discharge air stream and monitors the HVAC unit’s Supply
Air Temperature to maintain the Supply Air Temperature Setpoint.
RST IN: Reset Signal
Used only in stand-alone operation. The Discharge Temperature
Setpoint can be reset by supplying a 0-10 VDC signal to the RESET
IN low voltage terminal block. This reset signal is optional and need
only be used if you require resetting of the discharge air temperature.
AUX IN: Auxiliary Reheat Valve Input
Used when AUX mode is confi gured as enabled. This input looks at
a 0-10 VDC signal to control the valve position. 0VDC = 0% Reheat
Valve position, 5VDC = 50% Reheat Valve position. 10VDC = 100%
Reheat Valve position.
I/O Map
The following inputs and outputs are available on the MHGRV-X
Controller. See
Table 1
below to reference the Input/Output Map.
Supply Temperature
Reset Signal
AUX Input
Reheat Enable
Heating Override
Cooling Override
Reheat Valve / Compressor 2
Auxiliary / Reversing Valve
Binary Inputs
REHEAT EN: Reheat Enable Contact
Used only in stand-alone operation. When a call for dehumidifi cation
is initiated by another controller, this interlocked 24 VAC wet contact
closure is used to enable the MHGRV-X controller.
HEAT OVR: Heating Override
Used only in stand-alone operation. When a call for heating is initi-
ated by the HVAC unit, this interlocked 24 VAC wet contact closure
is used to override the MHGRV-X controller dehumidifi cation mode.
COOL OVR: Cooling Override
Used only in stand-alone operation. When a call for cooling is initi-
ated by the HVAC unit, this interlocked 24 VAC wet contact closure
is used to override the MHGRV-X controller dehumidifi cation mode.
Relay Outputs
FAN: Fan Enable
When a call for Dehumidifi cation, Cooling Override, or Heating
Override is received, this relay will be closed to energize the HVAC
unit Supply Fan.
CMP: Compressor Enable
When a call for Dehumidifi cation or Cooling Override is received,
this relay will be closed to energize the Compressor(s).
VALVE: Reheat Solenoid Valve / Compressor 2
If confi gured as standard, this relay will be used to control a Reheat
Solenoid Valve. When a call for Dehumidifi cation is active for 30 sec-
onds, this relay will be closed to energize the Hot Gas Solenoid Valve.
If confi gured as Compressor 2, this relay will be used to control
a second Compressor when there is a call for Dehumidifi cation.
Compressor 2 will come on 30 seconds after the fi rst Compressor
activates. Compressor 2 has a minimum run time of 10 minutes,
and will turn off if the Reheat Valve is at 100% and the Supply Air
Temperature is
below setpoint for 1 minute. After being off for
10 minutes, it can come back on if the Supply Air Temperature is
above setpoint and the valve is at 0%.
AUX: 2 Position HGR Valve / Reversing Valve
If confi gured as standard, this relay will be used to control a 2 Position
HGR Valve. Used on larger capacity systems that have an optional
2 Position HGR Valve in addition to the Modulating HGR Valve.
When a call for Dehumidifi cation is received, if the modulating HGR
valve is at 100% and the Supply Air Temperature is at least
low setpoint, this relay output will energize to enable the 2 Position
HGR Valve. The relay will de-energize when the modulating HGR
valve closes to 0% and the Supply Air Temperature is at least
above setpoint. The modulating valve is then enabled to modulate
to maintain the Supply Air Temperature Setpoint.
If confi gured as Reversing Valve, this relay will control a Reversing
Valve on a Heat Pump unit. Any time there is a call for Cooling or
Dehumidifi cation, this relay will be energized.
COM: Relay Common
Requires 24 VAC from transformer.