LIT:MXUHB April 2003
What is SHS?
SHS stands for Super Hybrid Sensor and is the weight
sensor A&D innovated to enable high speed weighing within
1 second necessary for analytical balances requiring high
resolution and accuracy.
SHS enables the analyzer to capture the dynamic weight
and measure moisture content in shorter length of time.
(Patent pending)
Why do the pans need two handles?
When measurement is required repeatedly a hot sample
pan should not be used since once the new sample is put on
the hot pan moisture would vaporize, which makes
measurement data inaccurate. To avoid this 2 pans and
handles should be utilized in turns, which not only enhances
measurement repeatability and credibility but also prevent
mishaps like burns.
9. Data Analysis
Can soybeans or coffee beans be
tested as they are?
NO. Usually samples like peas should first be crushed in a
blender or mill because temperature of surface and inside
can be very much different, plus when crushed can be
heated evenly. Note that when crushing sample. User
should start measurement soon because the sample’s
crushed superficial area is bigger and can absorb additional
moisture in the ambient air.
Can materials like milk or colloids be
Colloids such as solid particles floating on water in milk or
colloids that have surface tension often become dotted. In
these cases use an optional accessory *glass fiber sheet to
absorb the sample. This improves repeatability rate and
shortens time taken from one third to a half. Be sure to tare
the weight of the glass fiber sheet. *AX-32
How should I measure vegetables,
seaweeds and mushrooms?
Sample should be a typical part of it.
Application of the analyzer