tYpIcal InstallatIon
Get to Know Your water heater - Gas Models
a vent pipe–exhaust
B vent terminal–exhaust
c Intake or combustion air pipe
d Intake or combustion air terminal
e vent adapter
f Blower assembly
G cold water Inlet
h Inlet water shut-off valve
I union
fIGure 1.
j Inlet dip tube
K anode**
l hot water outlet
M outlet receptacle (115 vac)
n temperature-pressure relief valve
o flue
P Flue Baffle Assembly**
q Insulation
r rating plate
s Gas supply
t Manual Gas shut-off valve
u Ground joint union
v drip leg (sediment trap)
w drain valve
X Gas control valve
Y drain pan
Z Inner door
aa outer door
BB hsI Burner assembly***
cc fv sensor assembly
*cautIon: 115 vac
control harness
InsIde outer jacKet
* all pIpInG MaterIals to Be supplIed BY custoMers.
** located under the Blower asseMBlY.
*** not pIctured
tYpIcal hot surface IGnIter & MaIn Burner
teMperature IndIcators
teMperature adjustMent Buttons