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A display may be either a sequence of frames, or a static single frame. The frames
may be displayed over the score grid, or without the grid. The current player's
name may be inserted into the frame. Casino Bowl is a special type of graphic for
use with Casino Bowl. See the various sections above for information on using
grids, names and Casino Bowl graphics.
Sequence Title
The sequence title is simply a string (maximum 30 characters) which is used to
describe the sequence. Sequences to be used by the Lane Control System for
downloading to the scorers will be given a specific name, eg all 2 bagger
sequences will be named
. It is then difficult to identify a sequence.
Therefore this title string should be a brief description of the sequence. See the
section on
displays for a list of sequence names.
is being invoked with the title as an argument, then ensure the title is
surrounded by quotes if any spaces appear in the title.
For example:
This is legal:
pack myfile 2 4 "An orange butterfly" 2
This is
pack myfile 2 4 An orange butterfly 2
This is legal:
pack myfile 2 4 butterfly 2
Palette Copying
If the sequence is to be drawn over the score grid, or has a player's name inserted,
then the palette may be optionally copied to provide the correct colours.
For score grids, the colours in the range 0 to 63 will be repeated at 64 to 127, 128
to 191, and 192 to 255. This has the effect of making the sequence appear in front
of the grid, and to be opaque. For other special effects, eg. a transparent grid, you
should specifically set the colours in the range 64 to 255 in the GIF file.
For sequences with a name inserted, colour 128 will be copied to all colours from
129 to 255. Thus the name will appear in this colour, regardless of what it may
See the chapters on special effects above for information on using palettes.
Using your graphic