Log Send Period
: indicates how often to send the file.
Delete file after sent
: if selected the file will be deleted after
IoT Service
This configuration menu is used to set the parameters for sending data via
the MQTT protocol.
Service type
: it enables or disables sending in MQTT.
MQTT Provider
: it is the type of MQTT broker available by default. At the
moment EasyNET provides a connection to a generic MQTT broker and
MQTT server URL
: the address (URL) of the server.
Authentication user:
username for access to the server.
Authentication password:
server access password.
Client ID:
is the identifier of the EasyNET client that connects to the MQTT
broker. It is a unique ID for a particular broker. The broker uses it to identify
the client and the current status of the client.
Enable SSL/TLS (server port 8883):
to be activated if the remote broker
uses SSL/TLS encryption for data transfer.
Publish topic:
topic of the MQTT broker on which to send log data
publications. It is a string representing a path in the broker, for example
"EasyNET /location /location1".
Separate publish for each device:
indicates whether you want to use a
different topic in the broker for each device configured in EasyNET. In this
case, the topic on which a device will publish its log data will be given by
the concatenation of the publish topic (previous parameter) and the topic
defined on the configuration of each individual device.
Publish QoS:
defined by the MQTT standard, it indicates the level of
guarantee that a message is actually received by the broker: