User manual
Page 36
Figure 6.6.12
3. Set 100, 101 device’s ring port as port 3 and port 4 in ring group 1, network ID:2, type: single ring.
Set ring port as port 1 in ring group 2 , Coupling ctrl port: 4, network ID: 3, type: coupling ring,
figure as 6.6.13.
Figure 6.6.13
4. Set 107, 108, 109 device’s ring port as port 1 and port 2 in ring group 1, network ID: 1, type: single
ring. Set 102, 103, 104 device’s ring port as port 3 and port 4 in group 1, network ID: 2, type: single
5. Connect 100-104 device’s port 3 and port 4 with network cable. Connect 105-109 device’s port 1 and
port 2 with network cable, Connect 101 device’s port 1 to 106 device’s port 4 with network cable,
Connect 100 device’s port 1 to 105 device’s port 4 with network cable.
2. Method to enable Ring V3 Chain ring
The structure of Chain ring as figure 6.6.14
Chain (Figure 6.6.14)
Operating method:
1. Enable Ring Group 1: Hello time can be disable too, if it enable, time of sending Hello packet could not
be very fast, or it will influence CPU dealing speed.
2. Set up Port 1 and 2 of Device 100, 101, 102 and 103 to be Ring Port in Ring Group 1, Network ID is1,
Ring Type is Single; as shown in figure 6.6.15. Set up Port 1 and 2 of Device 107, 108 and 109 to be