Using the printer with your computer
We urge you to use a PC at least at the beginning: once you build enough experience then you will be able
to switch to more advanced printing methods (SD card, print servers).
Therefore you need to physically connect your PC to the printer (supported OS are Windows 7/8, Mac,
Be sure to use the shortest possible USB cable: long cables will pick up electrical noise (= transmission
problems = lost prints). Also, be sure to be using best possible quality cables (shielded).
Most operating systems will discover new devices and install for you the needed drivers: if your PC won't be
able to offer this capability, you can still download the drivers from this site:
Please refer to above web site for installation instructions on you specific PC architecture.
After making sure that your PC is connected to the printer, you can install printer management software.
Several programs are available:
Cura (
Repetier Host (
Simplify3d (
Our choice goes to Repetier Host, being the most complete and advanced solution to perform any task you
will ever need to perform. We will therefore offer support just for this package: please download from
Repetier website the most up-to-date package for you operating system and follow supplied installation
Once software is properly installed and running, please select the language to be used: now onward we will
use the ENGLISH setup for the screen images. Clicking on PRINTER SETTINGS icon you will be shown the
setup screens.
Fig 9: Repetier host language setting
Fig 10: Repetier
Host - printer