Issue Date: 12/4/2012
Rule Definitions
Bracelet Battery:
The Bracelet battery is getting low; the bracelet must be replaced within seven days.
Bracelet Gone:
Occurs when the offender is out of range of the 2 Piece (XT). Therefore the location of the offender is
If the “Notify Offender” box is checked in EM Manager (Smart View), the offender will receive the automatic
message “Bracelet Gone- Stay Closer to the 2 Piece (XT).”
The range of the bracelet to the 2 Piece (XT).
Approximately 75 to 100 ft (clear line of sight) the offender is away from 2 Piece (XT) while it is out
of the Base Unit 2000; OR
Approximately 125 to 150 ft (clear line of sight) the offender is away from 2 Piece (XT) while it is in
the Base Unit 2000
3M Electronic Monitoring adds a 5 minute buffer period to all Bracelet Gone violations.
This is not a Grace Period. During this time, the offender is not notified of the Bracelet Gone. Only
after five minutes have passed will the Bracelet Gone Rule go into violation. If you add a Grace, it
will apply after five minute buffer has passed. For example, if a one minute grace is set, the bracelet
will have to be out of range for 6 minutes before notifications are sent out.
Bracelet Strap:
The bracelet strap has been compromised or removed from the bracelet.
In Charger:
The 2 Piece (XT) is NOT in the assigned Base Unit 2000 or attached to the wall charger when the In
Charger schedule is in effect.
Motion No GPS:
Occurs when the 2 Piece (XT) has accumulated 10 minutes of motion in a 60-minute period without
receiving a signal from the GPS satellites.
If the “Notify Offender” box is checked in EM Manager (Smart View) the offender is sent the automatic
message “GPS Warning-Go Outside”. The offender has 10 minutes (grace period) from this point to clear
the Motion No GPS warning message before it becomes a violation and notifications are sent out.
When GPS is reacquired, the offender is notified with the automatic message “GPS Warning Cleared”.
If the offender does NOT regain GPS at the end of the 10 minute grace period, a Motion No GPS violation is
Phone Number Caller ID:
Signals the offender may have moved the Base Unit 2000 to a new phone line or home.
The number cannot be “private” or “unlisted.”