4.01 Push the fiber down into the fiber retention pad on the
proper side of the splice.
Hold the coated portion of the fiber ONLY.
Do not allow the cleaved end to contact
any surface before insertion into the splice.
4.0 Splice Assembly
4.02 Grasp the coated fiber about .25 inches (6 mm) from the
bare glass and move the fiber end onto the fiber alignment
guide on the Assembly Tool such that the end is resting on
the alignment guide outside of the splice.
Fiber should be inserted into the splice immediately
following cleaning and placing in retention pad to
minimize exposure to the atmosphere and reduce the
risk of contamination.
Push fiber straight into fiber alignment guide. . .
Not at an angle. . .
4.03 Gently continue pushing the fiber into the splice until
resistance is felt. When fully inserted, the first fiber should
be straight or have a slight bow - up to .1 inch (3 mm).
If properly inserted, bare glass should not be visible
outside of splice. If bare glass is visible, pull back
slightly on fiber and continue insertion until
resistance is met. Never fully remove fibers from
splice after initial insertion. Do not pull on fiber after
it has been properly inserted.