background image






Unless otherwise provided by local laws, 3M fall protection products are warranted against factory 

defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year from the date of installation or fi rst use 

by the original owner.


 Upon written notice to 3M, 3M will repair or replace any product determined by 

3M to have a factory defect in workmanship or materials. 3M reserves the right to require product be 

returned to its facility for evaluation of warranty claims. This warranty does not cover product damage 

due to wear, abuse, misuse, damage in transit, failure to maintain the product or other damage beyond 

3M’s control. 3M will be the sole judge of product condition and warranty options. 
This warranty applies only to the original purchaser and is the only warranty applicable to 3M’s fall 

protection products. Please contact 3M’s customer service department in your region for assistance.











Bortset fra hvad der sikres ved gældende love, er 3M’s produkter til faldsikring omfattet af en garanti 

mod fabriksdefekter i den håndværksmæssige udførelse og materialer i en periode på et år fra 

installationsdatoen eller den første ejers ibrugtagningsdato.


 Ved skriftlig henvendelse til 3M vil 3M reparere eller erstatte ethvert 

produkt, der af 3M vurderes at have en fabriksdefekt i den håndværksmæssige udførelse eller 

materialer. 3M forbeholder sig ret til at kræve produktet returneret til dets anlæg for at vurdere krav 

om garanti. Denne garanti dækker ikke skade på produktet slid, misbrug, forkert brug, transportskade, 

manglende vedligeholdelse af produktet eller anden skade uden for 3M’s kontrol. 3M vil alene fastslå 

produktets tilstand og mulighederne for garanti. 
Denne garanti gælder kun for den oprindelige køber og er den eneste garanti gældende for 3M’s 

produkter til faldsikring. Kontakt venligst 3M’s kundeserviceafdeling i dit område for at få hjælp.












Soweit gesetzlich nicht anders vorgeschrieben, werden bei 3M-Produkten für die Absturzsicherung 

werksseitige Mängel bei Verarbeitung und Material für einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr ab dem Datum 

der Installation oder der erstmaligen Benutzung durch den ursprünglichen Eigentümer garantiert.


 Nach schriftlicher Mitteilung an 3M wird 3M jedes Produkt ersetzen 

oder austauschen, bei dem durch 3M ein werkseitiger Material- oder Verarbeitungsfehler festgestellt 

wird. 3M behält sich das Recht vor, die Rücksendung des Produkts an das Werk zur Beurteilung der 

Garantieansprüche zu verlangen. Unter dieser Garantie sind keine Schäden am Produkt gedeckt, die auf 

Verschleiß, Missbrauch, Transportschäden, Versäumnis der Instandhaltung des Produkts oder sonstige 

außerhalb der Kontrolle von 3M liegende Schäden zurückzuführen sind. 3M triff t allein die Entscheidung 

über Produktzustand und Garantieoptionen. 
Diese Garantie gilt ausschließlich für den ursprünglichen Käufer und ist die einzige, die für 

Absturzsicherungsprodukte von 3M maßgeblich ist. Kontaktieren Sie bitte die Kunden-Service-Abteilung, 

um Unterstützung zu erhalten.












Salvo que la legislación local estipule lo contrario, los productos de protección contra caídas de 3M están 

garantizados contra defectos de fabricación de mano de obra y materiales durante un periodo de un año 

a partir de la fecha de instalación o del primer uso por parte del propietario original.


 Tras recibir comunicación por escrito, 3M reparará o sustituirá los 

productos que considere que tienen un defecto de fabricación de mano de obra o materiales. 3M se reserva 

el derecho a solicitar la devolución del producto a sus instalaciones para evaluar las reclamaciones de 

garantía. Esta garantía no cubre los daños en el producto resultantes de desgaste, mal uso, uso indebido, 

daños durante el tránsito, mantenimiento inapropiado del producto o daños que escapen al control de 

3M. 3M será el único con derecho a determinar el estado del producto y las opciones de garantía. 

Esta garantía puede ser utilizada únicamente por el comprador original y es la única que cubre 

los productos de protección contra caídas de 3M. Si necesita ayuda, póngase en contacto con el 

departamento de servicios de atención al cliente de 3M.











Ellei muutoin paikallisissa laeissa säädetä, 3M-putoamisenestotuotteilla on yhden vuoden takuu 

valmistusvirheitä ja materiaalivirheitä koskien asennuspäivästä tai alkuperäisen käyttäjän 

ensimmäisestä käyttöpäivästä alkaen.


 Kirjallisella 3M:lle lähetetyllä ilmoituksella 3M korjaa tai vaihtaa kaikki tuotteet, 

joissa on 3M:n määrittelemä valmistus- tai materiaalivirhe. 3M pidättää oikeuden vaatia tuotetta 

palautettavaksi tehtaalle takuuvaatimusten arvioimiseksi. Tämä takuu ei kata kulumisesta, tuotteen 

väärinkäytöstä, kuljetusvahingoista tai tuotteen epäonnistuneesta huollosta aiheutunutta vauriota tai 

muuta vauriota, johon 3M ei pysty vaikuttamaan. Tuotteen kunnosta ja takuuvaihtoehdoista päätöksen 

tekee ainoastaan 3M. 
Tämä takuu koskee vain alkuperäistä ostajaa, ja sitä sovelletaan ainoastaan 3M:n putoamisenestotuotteisiin. 

Ota yhteyttä paikalliseen 3M:n asiakaspalveluun saadaksesi apua.












À moins d’un confl it avec une législation locale, les produits antichute de 3M sont garantis contre les défauts 

de fabrication en usine et de matériaux pendant une période d'un an à compter de la date d'installation ou 

de la première utilisation par le propriétaire initial.


 Sur demande écrite à 3M, 3M s’engage à réparer ou remplacer tout produit considéré 

par 3M comme souff rant d’un défaut de fabrication en usine ou de matériaux. 3M se réserve le droit d’exiger 

que le produit lui soit retourné pour une évaluation de la réclamation au titre de la garantie. Cette garantie 

ne couvre pas les dommages du produit liés à l’usure, aux abus, à la mauvaise utilisation, aux dommages 

liés aux transports, au manque d’entretien du produit ou tout autre dommage indépendant du contrôle 

de 3M. 3M sera l’unique juge de la condition du produit et des options de la garantie. 
Cette garantie ne s’applique qu’au propriétaire initial et elle constitue l’unique garantie s’appliquant aux 

produits antichute de 3M. Veuillez contacter le service à la clientèle 3M de votre région pour obtenir de 













Salvo ove diversamente specifi cato dalle leggi locali, i prodotti di protezione anticaduta 3M sono 

garantiti da difetti di fabbricazione e dei materiali per un periodo di un anno dalla data di installazione o 

di primo utilizzo da parte del proprietario originale.


 previa comunicazione scritta a 3M, 3M riparerà o sostituirà qualsiasi prodotto 

in cui 3M avrà individuato un difetto di fabbricazione o dei materiali. 3M si riserva il diritto di richiedere 

la restituzione del prodotto all'impianto per la valutazione della richiesta di risarcimento in garanzia. 

La presente garanzia non copre i danni al prodotto causati da usura, abuso, utilizzo errato, trasporto 

o mancata manutenzione del prodotto o altri danni avvenuti fuori dal controllo di 3M. 3M è la sola che 

potrà giudicare le condizioni del prodotto e le opzioni di garanzia. 
La presente garanzia è valida solo per l’acquirente originale ed è l’unica applicabile ai prodotti di 

protezione anticaduta 3M. Per assistenza, contattare il Servizio Clienti di 3M della propria area.











Tenzij anders is bepaald door lokale wetgeving, zijn valbeschermingsproducten van 3M voorzien van een 

garantie op fabrieksfouten door fabricage- en materiaalgebreken gedurende een periode van één jaar 

na de datum van installatie of het eerste gebruik door de oorspronkelijke eigenaar.


 Na schriftelijke kennisgeving aan 3M zal 3M eender welk 

product repareren of vervangen waarvan 3M heeft vastgesteld dat het een fabrieksfout heeft door 

een fabricage- of materiaalgebrek. 3M behoudt zich het recht voor om te eisen dat het product naar 

zijn vestiging wordt geretourneerd om garantieaanspraken te beoordelen. Deze garantie is niet van 

toepassing op productschade door slijtage, oneigenlijk gebruik, misbruik, transportschade, nalatigheid 

bij onderhoud van het product of andere schade waarover 3M geen controle heeft. 3M zal als enige 

oordelen over de toestand van het product en garantieopties. 
Deze garantie is alleen van toepassing op de oorspronkelijke koper en is de enige garantie die van 

toepassing is op valbeschermingsproducten van 3M. Neem contact op met de klantendienst van 3M voor 

uw regio als u assistentie wenst.











Med mindre annet er bestemt av lokale lover, er 3Ms fallsikringsprodukter garantert mot fabrikasjonsfeil 

i håndverksmessig utførelse og materialer for en periode på ett år fra installasjonsdatoen eller første 

bruk av den opprinnelige eieren.


 Ved skriftlig melding til 3M, vil 3M reparere eller erstatte ethvert produkt som 

av 3M fastslås å ha en fabrikasjonsfeil i håndverksmessig utførelse  eller materialer. 3M forbeholder 

seg retten til å kreve at produktet blir levert tilbake til fabrikken for evaluering av garantikrav. Denne 

garantien dekker ikke produktskade grunnet slitasje, misbruk, skade i transitt, unnlatelse av å 

vedlikeholde produktet eller annen skade utenfor 3Ms kontroll. 3M vil være den eneste til å bedømme 

produktvilkår og garantialternativer. 
Denne garantien gjelder kun den opprinnelige kjøperen og er den eneste garantien som er anvendelig 

for 3Ms fallsikringsprodukter. Vennligst kontakt 3Ms kundeserviceavdeling i ditt område for hjelp.












Såvida inte annat stipuleras i lokala lagar, garanteras 3M:s fallskyddsprodukter mot fabrikationsfel 

avseende tillverkning och material under en period av ett år från datum för ursprunglig ägares 

installation eller första användning.


 Efter skriftlig avisering till 3M, kommer 3M att reparera eller byta 

ut varje produkt, som av 3M fastställts vara behäftad med fabrikationsfel vad gäller tillverkning eller 

material. 3M förbehåller sig rätten att kräva att produkt returneras till företagets anläggning för 

utvärdering av garantianspråk. Denna garanti omfattar inte produktskada till följd av slitage, felaktig 

användning, missbruk, skada under transport, underlåtenhet att sköta produkten eller annan skada 

utom 3M:s kontroll. 3M är ensam bedömare av produktskick och garantialternativ. 
Denna garanti avser enbart den ursprunglige köparen och är den enda garanti som gäller för 

3M:s fallskyddsprodukter. Kontakta 3M:s kundtjänstavdelning i din region för assistans.






Summary of Contents for 8530873

Page 1: ...0 0 ft 4 6 m 6 1 m 504 lb 229 kg 8530883 2 7 5 ft 2 3 m 20 0 ft 25 0 ft 6 1 m 7 6 m 582 lb 264 kg 8530884 2 7 5 ft 2 3 m 25 0 ft 30 0 ft 7 6 m 9 1 m 660 lb 299 kg A 8530869 1 8530870 2 8530871 3 8530872 4 8530873 5 EN 795 2012 Type E Regulation EU 2016 425 CE Type Test No 2797 BSI The Netherlands B V Say Building John M Keynesplein 9 1066 EP Amsterdam Netherlands CE Production Quality Control No 2...

Page 2: ...2 2 A B C D E G H J K F G I K H H K K A M F C D E L L N N N N 3 4 A ...

Page 3: ...3 5 6 A B C D E F G A B C 7 A A A A A B A 1 2 3 4 ...

Page 4: ...4 7 C A B 360 A A A B X 0 5 6 ...

Page 5: ...5 8 B A B A B C H R L X X 1 2 3 ...

Page 6: ...6 9 A B A 10 B A A B C C B A A A 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 ...

Page 7: ...7 10 A B x2 11 A B 1 6 ...

Page 8: ...8 11 A B A B 12 A 1 3 A 3 1 2 2 A B A B 2 3 ...

Page 9: ...n Red Wing MN 55066 USA B A B C D 6 kN 1350 lbs 140 kg 310 lbs 1x 9515102 Rev D 2797 EN795 2012 TYPE E OSHA 1926 502 1910 140 x 8530874 568 lbs 258 kg 8530875 638 lbs 289 kg 8530876 727 lbs 330 kg 8530877 805 lbs 365 kg 8530882 504 lbs 229 kg 8530883 582 lbs 264 kg 8530884 660 lbs 299 kg lb kg A A C B D E F G 9515101 REV A 360 0 C A B C ...

Page 10: when transferring between anchor points on the system Use caution when installing using and moving the system as moving parts may create potential pinch points Ensure proper lockout tagout procedures have been followed when applicable Only connect fall protection subsystems to the designated anchorage connection point on the system When drilling holes for assembly or installation of the system...

Page 11: ...tion of the Jib Boom after placement The Rotation Pin K secures the Jib Boom to prevent rotation For B1 models the Transportation Pin L is used to secure the Jib Boom during transportation Table 1 Specifications System Specifications Capacity One person with a combined weight clothing tools etc of no more than 310 lb 140 kg Anchorage See the User Instructions for your Jib Base for more information...

Page 12: ... 5 FALL CLEARANCE There must be sufficient clearance below the user to arrest a fall before the user strikes the ground or other obstruction Fall Clearance is dependent on the following factors Deceleration Distance Worker Height Elevation of Anchorage Connector Free Fall Distance Movement of Harness Attachment Element Connecting Subsystem Length See the instruction manual of your connecting subsy...

Page 13: ...D rings or similar objects which will result in a load on the gate if the hook or D ring twists or rotates unless the snap hook complies is equipped with a 16 kN 3 600 lbf gate Check the marking on your snap hook to verify that it is appropriate for your application C In a false engagement where features that protrude from the snap hook or carabiner catch on the anchor and without visual confirmat...

Page 14: ...tment Winch 1 Pay out the Cable B of the Adjustment Winch A by rotating the handle counterclockwise 2 Extend the cable slowly as you thread it first through the Upper Pulley A then around the Lower Pulley B of the Locking Assembly From the Lower Pulley guide the cable back towards the Upper Pulley then attach the cable thimble to the 1 2 in Anchor Bolt C between the spacer washers Torque hardware ...

Page 15: ...Person inspections The frequency of these inspections should be determined by the Competent Person per the specific conditions of the worksite 5 2 INSPECTION PROCEDURES Inspect this product per the procedures listed in the Inspection and Maintenance Log Documentation of each inspection should be maintained by the owner of this equipment An inspection and maintenance log should be placed near the p...

Page 16: greased Anchor Connection Points Ensure Anchor Connection Points are free of corrosion cracks or other imperfections that my cause malfunction during operation Labels Figures 13 and 14 Verify that all labels are present and fully legible Fall Protection Equipment Additional Fall Protection equipment winches SRDs etc that is used with the system should be inspected per the manufacturer s instruc...

Page 17: ...rankringsanslutningspunkterna är fria från korrosion sprickor eller andra brister som kan ge upphov till funktionsfel under användning Etiketter Figur 13 och 14 Kontrollera att alla etiketter sitter på plats och är läsbara Fallskyddsutrustning Ytterligare fallskyddsutrustning vinschar självindragande enheter osv som används med systemet ska inspekteras enligt tillverkarens anvisningar Serienummer ...

Page 18: ...LITÉ GARANTIE LES DISPOSITIONS SUIVANTES SONT PRISES EN LIEU ET PLACE DE TOUTES LES GARANTIES OU CONDITIONS EXPRESSES OU IMPLICITES Y COMPRIS LES GARANTIES OU CONDITIONS IMPLICITES DE QUALITÉ MARCHANDE OU D ADAPTATION À UN USAGE SPÉCIFIQUE À moins d un conflit avec une législation locale les produits antichute de 3M sont garantis contre les défauts de fabrication en usine et de matériaux pendant un...

Page 19: ...ALA Way Red Wing MN 55066 5005 Distributed by Engineered Fall Protection Sales EngineeredFallProtection com www EngineeredFallProtection com Tel 314 492 4422 I S O 9 0 0 1 FM534873 EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 3M ...

Page 20: ... ft 30 ft 5 3 m 9 1 m Jib Arm Adjustable 2 B 8530882 15 ft 20 ft 4 6 m 6 1 m Jib Arm Semi Fixed 4 8530883 20 ft 25 ft 6 1 m 7 6 m Jib Arm Semi Fixed 4 8530884 25 ft 30 ft 7 6 m 9 1 m Jib Arm Semi Fixed 4 C 8530869 Unfilled Counterweight Base 6 8530870 Filled Counterweight Base 6 D 8530908 Counterweight Base Jacks 8 E 8530914 Counterweight Base Lifting Rings 8 F 8530871 Floor Mount Base 10 G 853087...

Page 21: ... OSHA 1926 502 A B C lb kg 8530874 10 0 ft 15 0 ft 3 0 m 4 6 m 11 6 ft 16 6 ft 3 5 m 5 0 m 9 8 ft 14 8 ft 3 0 m 4 5 ft 568 lb 258 kg 8530875 12 5 ft 20 0 ft 3 8 m 6 1 m 14 1 ft 21 6 ft 4 3 m 6 6 m 12 2 ft 19 7 ft 3 7 m 6 m 638 lb 289 kg 8530876 15 0 ft 25 0 ft 4 6 m 7 6 m 16 6 ft 26 6 ft 5 0 m 8 1 m 14 8 24 8 ft 4 5 m 7 6 m 727 lb 330 kg 8530877 17 5 ft 30 0 ft 5 3 m 9 1 m 19 1 ft 31 6 ft 5 8 m 9 ...

Page 22: ...Nylon 8 5 8550215 Narrow Roller Spacer 304 Stainless Steel 2 6 8549930 Winch Steel 1 7 8521711 Trolley Steel Nylon 1 Component List Part Number Description Material Quantity 8 8550225 Locking Mechanism only authorized repair Steel Nylon 1 9 9515138 Bearings Steel 2 10 8550125 Rotation Stop Steel 2 11 9515111 3M Label Polyester 2 12 9515101 Rotation Label Polyester 1 13 9514429 ID Label Polyester 1...

Page 23: ... EN795 2012 Type E OSHA 1910 140 OSHA 1926 502 2 A B C lb kg 8530882 15 0 ft 20 0 ft 4 6 m 6 1 m 16 6 ft 21 6 ft 5 0 m 6 0 m 14 70 ft 19 70 ft 4 5 m 6 0 m 504 lb 229 kg 8530883 20 0 ft 25 0 ft 6 1 m 7 6 m 21 6 ft 26 6 ft 6 6 m 8 1 m 19 70 ft 24 70 ft 6 0 m 7 5 m 582 lb 264 kg 8530884 25 0 ft 30 0 ft 7 6 m 9 1 m 26 6 ft 31 6 ft 6 6 m 9 6 m 24 70 ft 29 70 ft 7 5 m 9 0 m 660 lb 299 kg 6 152 mm adjust...

Page 24: ... Polyester 1 10 8550125 Rotation Stop Steel 2 11 9515102 User Label Polyester 1 Part Number Description Material Quantity 1 8521711 Trolley Stainless Steel Steel Nylon 1 2 8549931 Rescue Mount Channel Steel 1 3 8550238 Channel Steel 1 4 9509020 5 8 X 7 Bolt Steel 2 5 4195226 5 8 Washer Steel 4 6 9506594 5 8 Nut Steel 2 7 9514429 ID Label Polyester 1 10 11 7 2 6 5 4 8 1 3 9 ...

Page 25: ... 9515104 User Label Polyester 1 2 9514429 ID Label Polyester 1 3 9515105 Warning Label Polyester 1 4 8520577 Turnbuckle Steel 2 5 9513627 4 Screw Steel 4 6 9501794 Shackle Steel 2 7 9515058 Level Bubble Plastic 2 8 9510985 Jack Steel 4 X 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 X 4 000 psi 30 MPa Resting Structure Requirements Net Weight 8530869 6 895 lb 3 128 kg Weight of M100 Jib Boom 1 497 lb 679 kg 8530870 4 195 lb 1 90...

Page 26: ...7 M100 Counterweight Base Working Area TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 8530869 8530870 APPLICATION Refer to the diagram below for the working area of the M100 Concrete Base x 9 x ...

Page 27: ... 16 3 8518432 1 2 x 1 Bolt Steel 16 4 8550153 Wheel Weldment Steel 4 5 8550155 Angled Weldment Steel 4 6 8550156 Jack Steel 4 7 9501243 1 2 Washer Steel 8 8 9501831 1 2 Hex Nut Steel 20 9 9504221 1 2 Washer Steel 16 10 9504813 1 2 Hex Nut Steel 16 11 9509276 1 2 x 1 3 4 Bolt Steel 16 12 9510153 1 2 x 3 1 4 Bolt Steel 4 13 9515081 Caster Wheel Steel Urethane 4 6 1 11 8 7 2 4 10 12 3 5 9 13 8 8 9 Co...

Page 28: ...69 8530870 60 152 cm 30 76 cm 23 84 cm 63 160 cm 45 0 114 3 cm 63 0 160 0 cm 16 40 6 cm 8 0 20 3 cm 55 0 139 7 cm 27 5 69 9 cm 1 905 lbs 864 kg lb kg 8530870 8530877 5 000 lbs 2 268 kg lb kg 8530870 8530877 lb kg 5 000 lbs 2 268 kg lb kg 8530870 8530877 3 095 lbs 1 404 kg ...

Page 29: ...0 OSHA 1926 502 Mounting Requirements Minimum Fastener Pullout Force Mounting Structure Minimum Moment Load Mounting Structure Minimum Vertical Load 5 744 lb 2 606 kg 255 474 in lb 28 865 N m 2 700 lb 1 225 kg Weight of M100 Jib Boom Component List Part Number Description Material Quantity 1 8549923 Base Weldment Steel 1 2 9514429 ID Label Polyester 1 3 9515113 User Label Polyester 1 Net Weight 85...

Page 30: ...HA 1910 140 OSHA 1926 502 Mounting Requirements Mounting Structure Minimum Moment Load Mounting Structure Minimum Vertical Load 255 474 in lb 28 865 N m 2 700 lb 1 225 kg Weight of M100 Jib Boom Net Weight 8530872 315 lb 143 kg Component List Part Number Description Material Quantity 1 9515113 User Label Polyester 1 2 9514429 ID Label Polyester 1 3 9507673 Base Cap Stainless Steel Rubber 1 66 75 i...

Page 31: ...12 M100 Floor Mount Bases Working Area TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 8530871 8530872 APPLICATION Refer to the diagram below for the working area of the Floor Mount Bases 6 ...

Page 32: ... 035 lb 1 830 kg weight of M100 Jib Boom Component List Part Number Description Material Quantity 1 9515131 Plate Cover Steel 2 2 9515116 Warning Label Polyester 1 3 9515058 Level Bubble Plastic 2 4 9514429 ID Label Polyester 1 5 9513627 4 Screw Steel 4 6 9504314 3 8 x 3 4 Bolt Steel 12 7 9504221 1 2 Washer Steel 6 8 9501793 3 8 Washer Steel 12 9 8550335 Outrigger Weldment Steel 2 10 8549908 Cente...

Page 33: ...14 M100 H Base Working Area TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 8530873 APPLICATION Refer to the diagram below for the working area of the M100 H Base x ...

Page 34: ...refer to the 3M instruction manual for the M100 Adjustable Jib Arm 5908371 Part Number Component Quantity 1 8550127 Tri Screw 2 2 8549905 Fork Pocket Weldment 2 3 9506594 5 8 Hex Nut 2 4 8513759 5 8 Bolt 2 5 4195226 5 8 Washer 4 6 9515122 User Label 1 9500146 Chain Link 2 8517096 Chain 10 ft 8 00 in 203 2 mm 7 50 in 190 5 mm 3 50 in 889 mm 16 17 in 411 mm 1 6 3 2 4 5 31 67 in 804 mm ...

Page 35: ...ALA Way Red Wing MN 55066 5005 Distributed by Engineered Fall Protection Sales EngineeredFallProtection com www EngineeredFallProtection com Tel 314 492 4422 I S O 9 0 0 1 FM534873 EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 3M ...

Page 36: ... 10 m Y Z X W C X 7 5 ft 2 3 m X X 3M DBI SALA Flexiguard Modular Jib System M100 Counterweight Base OSHA 1926 502 OSHA 1910 140 EN 795 2012 Type E Regulation EU 2016 425 CE Type Test No 2797 BSI The Netherlands B V Say Building John M Keynesplein 9 1066 EP Amsterdam Netherlands CE Production Quality Control No 2797 BSI The Netherlands B V Say Building John M Keynesplein 9 1066 EP Amsterdam Nether...

Page 37: ...2 2 A 4 000 psi 30 MPa 0 69 yd3 0 53 m3 A C A B x2 3 A B 8530914 C C 1 2 ...

Page 38: ...3 4 A B D C C D 236 x C A B D C 0 D 5 A A ...

Page 39: ...4 6 60 152 cm 30 76 cm 23 84 cm 63 160 cm 30 76 cm 60 152 cm 45 114 cm 63 160 cm 16 40 6 cm 8 0 20 3 cm 55 0 139 7 cm 27 5 69 9 cm X Y Z ...

Page 40: ...5 7 x 8 4x 1 1 2 ...

Page 41: ...6 9 x x A B A B 10 A B ...

Page 42: ...1910 140 4x x 60 152 cm 30 76 cm 4 000 PSI 30 MPa x 3 095 lbs 1 404 kg lb kg 1 100 lbs 499 kg lb kg 5 000 lbs 2 268 kg lb kg 805 lbs 365 kg lb kg 7 5 2 3m 45 114 cm B 2 1 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 9514429 Rev B Mfrd yr mo Model No Fabr aa mm N de Modelo Serial no N de serie 3M com FallProtection Red Wing MN 55066 USA C 1 4 2 3 B A C B C ...

Page 43: ...ntain 100 tie off when transferring between anchor points on the system Use caution when installing using and moving the system as moving parts may create potential pinch points Ensure proper lockout tagout procedures have been followed when applicable Only connect fall protection subsystems to the designated anchorage connection point on the system When drilling holes for assembly or installation...

Page 44: ... this equipment must be supervised by a Competent Person2 1 5 TRAINING This equipment must be installed and used by persons trained in its correct application This manual is to be used as part of an employee training program as required by national regional or local standards It is the responsibility of the users and installers of this equipment to ensure they are familiar with these instructions ...

Page 45: ...ring transport See Figure 4 for reference Do not transport at speeds exceeding 5 mph 8 kph When transporting the system be aware of overhead obstructions and electrical hazards which may result in serious injury or death 2 6 INSTALLING THE WHEEL KIT 8530908 The Counterweight Base Wheel Kit sold separately may be installed onto the Counterweight Base as an alternative means of transporting the Coun...

Page 46: ...ervice because of an existing defect or unsafe condition then either destroy the system or contact 3M or a 3M authorized service center about possible repair 4 4 PRODUCT LIFE The functional life of the Counterweight Base is determined by work conditions and maintenance As long as the product passes inspection criteria it may remain in service 5 0 MAINTENANCE SERVICE and STORAGE 5 1 CLEANING Period...

Page 47: ...oved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Ap...

Page 48: ...ITÉ GARANTIE LES DISPOSITIONS SUIVANTES SONT PRISES EN LIEU ET PLACE DE TOUTES LES GARANTIES OU CONDITIONS EXPRESSES OU IMPLICITES Y COMPRIS LES GARANTIES OU CONDITIONS IMPLICITES DE QUALITÉ MARCHANDE OU D ADAPTATION À UN USAGE SPÉCIFIQUE À moins d un conflit avec une législation locale les produits antichute de 3M sont garantis contre les défauts de fabrication en usine et de matériaux pendant un...

Page 49: ...ALA Way Red Wing MN 55066 5005 Distributed by Engineered Fall Protection Sales EngineeredFallProtection com www EngineeredFallProtection com Tel 314 492 4422 I S O 9 0 0 1 FM534873 EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 3M ...

Page 50: ...926 502 OSHA 1910 140 1 8530871 A B B X X 8530872 A A C B D X X 3M DBI SALA Flexiguard Modular Jib System M100 Floor Mount Base A B 8530871 43 30 in 1 10 m 15 75 in 0 40 m A B C D 8530872 15 in 0 38 m 23 44 in 0 60 m 66 75 in 1 70 m 5 in 127 mm X 7 5 ft 2 3 m X 7 5 ft 2 3 m ...

Page 51: ...2 ...

Page 52: ...2 1 6 88 in 175 mm 13 75 in 349 mm 6 88 in 175 mm 6 88 in 175 mm 6 88 in 175 mm 13 75 in 349 mm 7 8 in 22 mm 2 A B 1 3 1 2 A B ...

Page 53: ...4 4 1 22 75 in 578 mm Ø 5 06 in 130 mm 1 C L 1 2 11 in 279 mm 11 in 279 mm 5 5 in 140 mm 5 5 in 140 mm 7 8 in 22 mm 3 A 5 B A 1 2 ...

Page 54: ...5 3 4 6 A B A ...

Page 55: ...6 7 8530871 1 2 8530872 1 2 A B 2 C EN795 2012 TYPE A OSHA 1926 502 1910 140 7 5 2 3m 9515113 Rev A 1 A B C ...

Page 56: ...ntain 100 tie off when transferring between anchor points on the system Use caution when installing using and moving the system as moving parts may create potential pinch points Ensure proper lockout tagout procedures have been followed when applicable Only connect fall protection subsystems to the designated anchorage connection point on the system When drilling holes for assembly or installation...

Page 57: ... or regional standard s identified on the front cover of these instructions If the product is resold outside of the original country of destination the re seller must provide these instructions in the language of the country in which the product will be used 1 4 SUPERVISION Installation of this equipment must be supervised by a Qualified Person1 Use of this equipment must be supervised by a Compet...

Page 58: ...install Allow epoxy to cure before proceeding to next steps Fasten the Base to the existing concrete by tightening the concrete anchor bolts to the recommended torque The Base can also be installed directly into fresh concrete allowing the Base to be flush with the mounting surface 2 Install the 3M Modular Jib System M100 onto the Base Lower the Mounting Post until the Rotation Block A is resting ...

Page 59: ...fe of the Floor Mount Base is determined by work conditions and maintenance As long as the product passes inspection criteria it may remain in service 5 0 MAINTENANCE SERVICE and STORAGE 5 1 CLEANING Periodically clean the metal components of the Floor Mount Base with a soft brush warm water and a mild soap solution Ensure parts are thoroughly rinsed with clean water 5 2 SERVICE Only 3M or parties...

Page 60: ...Number Date of First Use Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next inspection due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved B...

Page 61: ...ITÉ GARANTIE LES DISPOSITIONS SUIVANTES SONT PRISES EN LIEU ET PLACE DE TOUTES LES GARANTIES OU CONDITIONS EXPRESSES OU IMPLICITES Y COMPRIS LES GARANTIES OU CONDITIONS IMPLICITES DE QUALITÉ MARCHANDE OU D ADAPTATION À UN USAGE SPÉCIFIQUE À moins d un conflit avec une législation locale les produits antichute de 3M sont garantis contre les défauts de fabrication en usine et de matériaux pendant un...

Page 62: ...ALA Way Red Wing MN 55066 5005 Distributed by Engineered Fall Protection Sales EngineeredFallProtection com www EngineeredFallProtection com Tel 314 492 4422 I S O 9 0 0 1 FM534873 EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 3M ...

Page 63: ...Type Test No 2797 BSI The Netherlands B V Say Building John M Keynesplein 9 1066 EP Amsterdam Netherlands CE Product Quality Control No 2797 BSI The Netherlands B V Say Building John M Keynesplein 9 1066 EP Amsterdam Netherlands OSHA 1910 140 OSHA 1926 502 X 7 5 ft 2 3 m B C A B C 8530873 15 ft 4 6 m 15 ft 4 6 m 3 6 ft 1 1 m ...

Page 64: ...2 2 A D E C 3 B ...

Page 65: ...3 4 5 6 ...

Page 66: ...4 7 0 8 x 1 A B ...

Page 67: ...5 9 10 9514429 Rev B Mfrd yr mo Model No Fabr aa mm N de Modelo Serial no N de serie 3M com FallProtection Red Wing MN 55066 USA A B A B A B 3 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...

Page 68: ...ff when transferring between anchor points on the system Use caution when installing using and moving the system as moving parts may create potential pinch points Ensure proper lockout tagout procedures have been followed when applicable Only connect fall protection subsystems to the designated anchorage connection point on the system When drilling holes for assembly or installation of the system ...

Page 69: ...designed for use as a component of a Fall Arrest System 1 2 DESCRIPTION The Floor Mount Base Figure 1 is designed to rest on flat ground and be used as a mounting point for 3M DBI SALA Flexiguard Modular Jib System M100 1 3 STANDARDS The H Base conforms to the national or regional standar s identified on the front cover of these instructions If this product is resold outside the original country o...

Page 70: meeting the strength requirements called out in Table 1 Using the Level Indicators check that the resting structure slope is within plus or minus 1 from vertical in both directions of the base 3 3 SAFE WORKING RADIUS The safe working radius of the Jib Base does not extend beyond the length of the Jib Base itself See Figure 9 for reference When using the M100 Jib System the user should remain wi...

Page 71: ...last inspection if applicable Figure 10 illustrates labels on the H Base Labels must be replaced if they are not fully legible A Warning Label 1 CE Certification 2 Read Instructions 3 Company Logo 4 CE Certification and OSHA Certification 5 Safe Working Radius 6 Maximum Weights of H Base less than or equal to symbol 1 335 lb 605 kg 7 Maximum Weight of M100 Jib Boom less than or equal to symbol 805...

Page 72: ...Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenanc...


Page 74: ...ALA Way Red Wing MN 55066 5005 Distributed by Engineered Fall Protection Sales EngineeredFallProtection com www EngineeredFallProtection com Tel 314 492 4422 I S O 9 0 0 1 FM534873 EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 3M ...

Page 75: ...5 8530905 A A B B C C 3M DBI SALA FlexiGuard M100 and M200 Jib System Rescue Kit uSer INSTruCTIONS 5908376 rev B 8530885 8530905 C C B B A A OSHA 1926 502 OSHA 1910 140 A B C C A B X X X X 7 5 ft 2 3 m X 15 0 ft 4 6 m X ...

Page 76: ...2 2 8530885 8530905 1 1 2 2 3 3 B A A B B B A A B A A B C C X 2 5 cm B B B B ...

Page 77: ...3 3 8530885 8530905 1 1 2 2 A B A B ...

Page 78: ...4 4 A x B 5 9514429 Rev B Mfrd yr mo Model No Fabr aa mm N de Modelo Serial no N de serie 3M com FallProtection Red Wing MN 55066 USA A A 4 1 2 3 ...

Page 79: ...of this equipment This instruction manual is not a substitute for a training program Training must be provided on a periodic basis to ensure user proficiency 1 4 RESCUE PLAN When using this equipment and connecting subsystem s the employer must have a rescue plan and the means at hand to implement and communicate that plan to users authorized persons3 and rescuers4 A trained on site rescue team is...

Page 80: ...nection point on a Seat Sling Workseat Bosun Chair etc 3 3 WORKING AREA The user must stay within the Safe Working Radius A of the Jib Boom and must not pass the end of the rail B The user must remain as directly below the Connection Eye as possible See Figure 4 for reference See the user instructions for the M100 Jib Boom 5908371 or M200 Jib Boom 5908372 for more information 4 0 INSPECTION After ...

Page 81: ...sed Model Number Date of First Use Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance Approved By Next Inspection Due Date Corrective Action Maintenance ...

Page 82: dommages au produit résultant de l usure d un abus ou d une mauvaise utilisation les dommages subis pendant l expédition le manque d entretien du produit ou d autres dommages en dehors du contrôle de 3M 3M jugera seul de l état du produit et des options de garantie Cette garantie s applique uniquement à l acheteur initial et est la seule garantie applicable aux produits de protection antichute ...

Page 83: ...ALA Way Red Wing MN 55066 5005 Distributed by Engineered Fall Protection Sales EngineeredFallProtection com www EngineeredFallProtection com Tel 314 492 4422 I S O 9 0 0 1 FM534873 EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY 3M ...

Page 84: ...Description Page 8530885 M100 Modular Jib System Rescue Kit Overview 2 8550354 M100 Winch Mount Bracket 3 8550142 M100 Upright Bracket 4 8550151 M100 Rail Bracket 5 8530905 M200 Modular Jib System Rescue Kit Overview 6 8550355 M200 Winch Mount Bracket 7 8550144 M200 Upright Bracket 8 8550147 M200 Rail Bracket 9 OSHA 1910 140 OSHA 1926 502 ...

Page 85: ...o the 3M instruction manual for the Rescue Kit 5908376 Component Tech Data Sheet A M100 Winch Mount Bracket 8550354 B M100 Upright Bracket 8550142 C M100 Rail Bracket 8550151 C A B A B C System Specifications Standards The Modular Jib System Rescue Kit is designed and tested to meet the requirements of OSHA 1910 140 and OSHA 1926 502 Capacity Maximum capacity of 1 person with a combined weight clo...

Page 86: ... I W D X Y Part Specifications W 4 18 in 10 62 cm X 5 50 in 13 97 cm Y 12 61 in 32 0 cm Net Weight 9 0 lb 4 08 kg Component Specifications Part Number Component Material Quantity Part Number Component Material Quantity A 8550134 Winch Mount Weldment Steel 1 F 9500826 3 8 Washer Steel 16 B 9515147 Offset Plate Steel 2 G 9505716 3 8 Nut Steel 8 C 8510207 Winch Mount Steel 1 H 8519272 3 8 x 3 Bolt St...

Page 87: ...ecifications W 12 50 in 31 75 cm X 5 42 in 13 77 cm Y 4 38 in 11 13 cm Net Weight 6 0 lb 2 72 kg Component Specifications Part Number Component Material Quantity Part Number Component Material Quantity A 8550141 Upright Bracket Weldment Steel 1 F 9505716 3 8 Nut Steel 3 B 9514612 Pulley Plastic 1 G 8515157 Spacer Stainless steel 3 C 9515153 Side Plate Steel 1 H 8518432 1 2 x 1 Bolt Steel 2 D 95123...

Page 88: ...ifications W 7 50 in 19 05 cm X 11 19 in 28 42 cm Y 7 06 in 17 93 cm Net Weight 10 0 lb 4 54 kg Component Specifications Part Number Component Material Quantity Part Number Component Material Quantity A 8550150 Rail Mount Weldment Steel 1 F 8512454 1 2 x 3 3 4 Bolt Steel 2 B 9514612 Pulley Plastic 1 G 8510037 1 2 Washer Steel 4 C 8522180 3 8 x 4 1 2 Bolt Steel 1 H 9501831 1 2 Nut Steel 2 D 9503645...

Page 89: ...o the 3M instruction manual for the Rescue Kit 5908376 Component Tech Data Sheet A M200 Winch Mount Bracket 8550355 B M200 Upright Bracket 8550144 C M200 Rail Bracket 8550147 A B C A B C System Specifications Standards The Modular Jib System Rescue Kit is designed and tested to meet the requirements of OSHA 1910 140 and OSHA 1926 502 Capacity Maximum capacity of 1 person with a combined weight clo...

Page 90: ...E C D W X Y Part Specifications W 4 50 in 11 43 cm X 8 50 in 21 59 cm Y 12 61 in 32 0 cm Net Weight 12 0 lb 5 44 kg Component Specifications Part Number Component Material Quantity Part Number Component Material Quantity A 8550134 Winch Mount Weldment Steel 1 F 9500983 3 8 x 1 1 4 Bolt Steel 2 B 9515147 Offset Plate Steel 2 G 9500826 3 8 Washer Steel 16 C 8510207 Winch Mount Steel 1 H 9505716 3 8 ...

Page 91: Specifications W 12 88 in 32 72 cm X 4 38 in 11 13 cm Y 8 61 in 21 87 cm Net Weight 8 0 lb 3 63 kg Component Specifications Part Number Component Material Quantity Part Number Component Material Quantity A 8550143 Upright Bracket Steel 1 F 9505716 3 8 Nut Steel 3 B 9514612 Pulley Plastic 1 G 8515157 Spacer Stainless steel 3 C 9515153 Side Plate Steel 1 H 8518432 1 2 x 1 Bolt Steel 2 D 9512389 ...

Page 92: ... G B W Y X G E C F Part Specifications W 10 75 in 27 31 cm X 17 50 in 44 45 cm Y 8 31 in 21 11 cm Net Weight 35 0 lb 15 88 kg Component Specifications Part Number Component Material Quantity Part Number Component Material Quantity A 8550146 Rail Mount Weldment Steel 1 E 9500826 3 8 Washer Steel 2 B 9514612 Pulley Plastic 1 F 9504364 3 8 Nut Steel 1 C 8515157 Spacer Stainless steel 1 G 8510329 3 4 ...

Page 93: ...Y Upon written notice to 3M 3M will repair or replace any product determined by 3M to have a factory defect in workmanship or materials 3M reserves the right to require product be returned to its facility for evaluation of warranty claims This warranty does not cover product damage due to wear abuse misuse damage in transit failure to maintain the product or other damage beyond 3M s control 3M wil...
