CAMit I+gsm
Copyright of 3JTech Co., Ltd. (also doing business as A3J Engineering Inc.)
4.2 Modem
Before proceeding with a remote CAMit I+GSM session, your PC should have a modem
installed. Please, refer to your operating system to install and configure your modem.
As a reference, usual modem parameters are to be used with CAMit I+GSM. Most common
ones are the following:
8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
Hardware Flow Control, Clear to Send (CTS)
Carrier Detect: ON
Normal DTR Operations
Auto Answer ON if you wish to received a call dialed by a triggered CAMit-I.
(Please refer to your modem user manual for more information on installing the
4.3 Installing Your Camera
After you have set up your modem and installed the software we provided. Simply plug the
phone line and the power chord to your camera at the location you with to install. This will
initiate the camera, and should be ready for you to dial in!