The speed tuning menu gives the possibility to
the user to actively edit the puller rotation
speed while the extruder is extruding. The
current ‘measured diameter’ shows the
measured filament thickness, which is the
same value as shown on the status screen. The user also has the possibility to start
or stop the puller at will.
Keep in mind that when the puller stops, the filament is still extruded and might build
up all the way up to the nozzle.
At default the puller settings is set to ‘Automatic ’ puller speed. The puller control
will calculate the optimum puller speed of the measured filament thickness and
will adjust the speed according to the set filament thickness. This process typically
takes a few minutes to adjust to a stable puller speed. If the filament sensor
cannot measure the filament thickness, because it needed correcting by user or
instability of the filament thickness, then the puller control will hold the puller
speed value equally. This may sometimes not be feasible when starting with the
extrusion process. If you experience trouble applying the filament between the
puller wheels, because the puller control moves too slowly or too fast, then it is
possible to set the puller speed setting temporary to ‘Manual’. This way the user
can edit the rotation speed of the puller to a workable speed, placing the filament
between the puller wheels and return the puller speed to automatic again.
When tuning the puller speed manually, the changes are effective instantly.