QMS 1060 Print System Getting Started
Emulation Sensing Processor (ESP) Technology
Most printers can recognize only their native command language.
However, ESP technology, which works with most popular commer-
cially available applications, uses a form of artificial intelligence to
analyze incoming file data and select the appropriate printer emula-
tion from those installed on the printer, and processes the print job.
User Benefit—When your printer is in ESP mode, you can easily
print PostScript, HP PCL 5, HP-GL, or Lineprinter documents without
changing printer switch settings or sending software commands to
accommodate different printer languages.
The QMS 1060 Print System prints almost any file sent in a language
ESP technology understands, whether you have one, two, or more
hosts, and whether you are communicating through an LocalTalk,
Centronics or bidirectional IEEE 1284 parallel, serial, or optional net-
work interface. Most users never have to change from ESP mode to
another mode.
Context Switching
After its initial use, the state of an emulation and downloaded data
(such as fonts, macros, and overlays when changing emulations) is
preserved for as long as the printer power is on.
User Benefit—Repetitive downloading of emulations, fonts, macros,
and overlays is unnecessary.
Compressed Data Formats
Crown printers convert data received from the input buffers into inter-
mediate, compressed blocks until the data is needed for printing.
These compressed blocks of data are designed to be processed rap-
idly by the printer, and many more can be stored in memory at one
time than can traditional bitmapped images.
User Benefit—This allows and increases the speed of such printer
features as collation and automatic jam recovery, if enabled.
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