Pannoramic MIDI 1.18 User’s Guide
4 Software Description
Camera Selection
This field displays the active camera. Currently, there is only one active camera for
Brightfield mode.
Objective Selection
This field displays the objective used for scanning.
Preview Settings
There might be specks or minor etches on the surface of the compensation slide that
require modifying the threshold settings. Therefore, the scanner will not use those areas for
the creation of the compensation images.
Current threshold
To modify the threshold settings, set the desired threshold level in the box.
Use Selection Box
Select this if you have a compensation slide that has only certain predefined areas
for creating compensation images.
To create the compensation image(s), click
. Click the
button to interrupt
the process. The
bar at the bottom of the window displays the progress of the
compensation image creation.
Image Browser
This function displays the created compensation image.
Figure 13 – Image Browser
April 3, 2014 - Rev 1