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NBX System Software Upgrade Instructions 




  A license key is required only for upgrading to major releases, RX.X. All minor releases, RX.X.X, 

use the corresponding major release license key.  

  To upgrade an NBX 100 or V5000 system to release R5.0 you must first upgrade to release R4.3. 

  To upgrade an NBX V3000 system to release R5.0, you must be running R4.4 or higher. 


Remove any software that you do not want to be carried forward to the new release (for example, 
your existing CDR Call Reports). 


You can load the new system software at any time. The system does not begin running the new 
software until you select the new system software for a reboot operation. You should plan to reboot to 
the new software at a time outside of normal business hours. During the reboot operation, new calls 
cannot be initiated and external calls will be terminated. 

Installing the System Software License - R4.3 Versions 

If you are running R4.3 or a later release of R4.3, you can enter the R5.0license key and then 
upgrade to R5.0. When you enter the R5.0 license key, the NBX system accepts the license key as 
valid for an unknown feature. When you upgrade and reboot to the new software, the license takes 
effect. To enter a system software license: 

1.  Log on to the NBX NetSet utility as administrator. 

2.  Select Operations > Licenses > Add License. 

Installing the System Software License - R4.2.7 and Prior Releases 

If your NBX system software is R4.2.7 or a previous release, you cannot enter the license key for 
R5.0 before you upgrade because the NBX system software will not recognize the R5.0 license as 
valid. Use these steps to upgrade to R4.3 and then R5.0: 

1.  Upgrade to R4.3. See “Upgrading the System Software” on the next page for details. 

2.  Reboot to R4.3. See “Rebooting the System” on the next page for details. 

3.  When you see the warning message that indicates you must install a license, click the License 

button and enter the R5.0license.  

Restricted Operation When Running R4.3 or R5.0 Without a Valid License 

If you reboot the NBX system to R4.3 or R5.0 without installing the required system software license, 
the NBX system remains operational with these restrictions: 

  The NBX NetSet utility is not available. If you log on using the administrator ID and password, a 

screen appears giving you two options: 


  You can click the Reboot button to go to a reboot screen and reboot to a previous NBX 

software release. 


  You can click the License button to go to a license screen and enter a license key. 

  Each NBX telephone display panel periodically displays a NO LICENSE message. 

  Auto discovery is turned off for all device types. 

  Voice mail messages are not allowed. 
