GBIC Transceiver Installation Guide
The transceiver, which connects to the module host board through a
20-pin connector is not seated properly, and a clean connection
cannot be established.
Corrective action
To correct this problem, completely remove the transceiver and then
reinsert it. If the problem persists, contact 3Com Technical Support.
For contact information in the United States and Canada, call
1-800-NET-3COM. For the number to call in other locations, visit the
3Com Web site:
Unqualified GBIC: Checksum match error
The system uses checksum error detection to verify the integrity of the
GBIC data. If the system detects a problem with the data, it displays
an error message that indicates a checksum failure.
Corrective action
Although this condition does not necessarily indicate that the GBIC
transceiver will not function in the system, replace the transceiver to
ensure proper operation.
Unqualified GBIC: MODDEF Value – xx
Unqualified GBIC: Transceiver byte(s) error
For both of these messages, the value (
) of this GBIC type is not a
Module Definition 4 GBIC (Serial Identification) as defined by the
Gigabit Interface Converter specification.
Corrective action
Replace this transceiver with a GBIC that is qualified by 3Com.
GBIC Disable Error
If the system detects that the transceiver cannot emit the proper laser
signal, it disables the port, sets the port type to
, displays a short
description (
GBIC Disable
), and captures the error in the event log.
The following message appears in the event log:
Due to excessive TxFault conditions, GBIC Port xx has been disabled.
Excessive Tx Fault conditions indicate a faulty GBIC.
Corrective action
Replace the transceiver. If the problem persists, contact network supplier
or 3Com Technical Support. For contact information, see the Technical
Support appendix in the
Getting Started Guide
for your system.
“Unapproved GBIC” Error
Supported transceivers are those that 3Com has specifically tested and
qualified for use with 3Com GBIC systems. Pretesting at 3Com ensures
proper functionality, compatibility, and regulatory compliance with the