LAN Adapter Support, Universal Serial Bus (USB) Ethernet Support Device Driver.
©2003, Jonas Buys.
If you think you’ve got a device with the Kawasaki KLSI5USB101b chip, try it
out. To get the manufacturer and device IDs, use the USB Recourse Manager,
available via Netlabs. How to install and configure this utility?
Unzip the usbres.zip into x:\os2, where x is the driver on which OS/2 is
Add the statement “DEVICE=c:\os2\usbresmg.sys” to your
Reboot your system;
From an OS/2 prompt type
Now you will get a listing of devices attached to your computer’s USB
Right-click the device and choose
the option
View Device Report;
A small windows now opens and lists
all technical information. From here,
you can also see the IDs
You will soon find out whether the device
works or not. If the manufacturer assured you
that the Kawasaki chip is used, contact OS/2 CHL
Note that if you're using eCS 1.1, USB Recourse
Manager may already be installed on your systemTry typing
from an eCS
Command Prompt, which should launch the application if installed.
4. Code Discussion
Title = "USB ETHeRnet Adapter"
// Specifies the name as it will appear in the Network Adapters field
// in MPTS. You can change it to "USB Ethernet" :)
Version = 1.1
// Specifies the version of the USBETHeRnet driver
DriverName = USBETHR$
// Specifies the name under which the system will call the USB ethernet
// card; see it as an IRQ, but then in software terms.
Figure 4: USB Resource Manager