No Radar web page access
If Radar web pages are not available on the laptop browser a minute after power-up then:
Check that a compatible fixed IP address has been set for the laptop (see section 6
"Initial connection to the Radar" and also the TCP/IP settings in the laptop "Control
Panel") and that it is connected to the network.
If the Radar has been set for DHCP then try to bring up the web page by using the
Radars given Hostname e.g. http://abcdefg (default hostname is currently scan360).
Check that the Radar's Ethernet cable is correctly crimped and inserted to the RJ45
connector on the Radar base and that the Radar is provided with a suitable working
POE source (e.g. a POE Switch or Injector).
If there is still no connection then it may be necessary to reset the network settings
of the Radar using the "Radar Network Settings - Reset to Default" procedure (see
section 6). Once done the Radars IP address is reset to,
the username
and password are both reset to
and DHCP is set to Off.
If there is still no connection to the Radar (and the Ethernet cable, Switch and POE source
have already been replaced) then the Radar itself may have a fault and you should contact
your supplier concerning any repairs/replacements.
Camera not moving during Configuration
If the camera does not move in response to commands during the relevant configuration
procedures (e.g. Alignment, Detection Zone setting, Camera and Tilt/Zoom settings etc) then
check the following:
The camera address, port, username and password that the Radar shows in the
Camera Settings page are set correctly and that the Radar and camera are on the
same IP network range (unless using a router). Note: Username and Password are
usually the camera's normal login details. but some cameras have additional
"ONVIF" login details in which case it is these "ONVIF" login details that are required.
The cabling of the external Ethernet network switch and POE source is such that the
Radar is connected to the camera as well as the laptop and that the camera has
Use the laptop to connect directly to the camera to check that it is operational.
If the camera still does not respond to the Radar but it does respond correctly to the
laptop then the Radar may have a fault and you should contact your supplier
concerning any repairs/replacements.
Radar not responding to Targets
If the Radar can control the camera during configuration (see above) but, after a few
minutes of operation, the camera is not moving at all in response to significant targets
(vehicles) then check the following:
If using a Schedule check using the configuration "Date & Time" web page that the
Radar is set to the correct Scheduled operating hours and that the time is set
Check that the laptop is not using any of the web pages (Alignment, Detection
Zones, Camera or Tilt and Zoom Settings) that stop the Radar moving the camera in
response to targets, including the Camera pop-up window.
On the Status web-page check that the Disable Radar box is not set.
On the laptop check on the Detection Zones web page that the detection zones are
correctly placed, of the correct priority and that the target is within the active zone.
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