3.6 Firmware Update
Download the latest firmware from 2SAN web site
. This file will be in the RAR format. Extract it to
the USB flash drive. (Empty your flash drive first)
STEP 1. Power on the DVR.
STEP 2. After booting and the LCD shows
, insert the
USB flash drive to the USB port. It will update the DVR
automatically in a few minutes.
STEP 3. The system will ask if you want to update the firmware.
Choose “Yes” and begin to update.
Before updating the firmware, you need to confirm the
administrator’s password first.
STEP 4. The system will show the update as “Update FW-1 xxx%”
and “Update FW-2 xxx%” respectively. Here xxx% means the
progress percentage.
STEP 5. The system will shut down automatically after the
successful update.
Do not turn off the power or remove the flash drive during the
firmware update in order to secure normal operation.