2N® Indoor View User Manual
VLAN Enabled
– enable the virtual network support (VLAN according to 802.1q).
Remember to set the VLAN ID too.
– choose a VLAN ID from the range of 1–4094. The device shall only receive
packets with the set ID. An incorrect setting may result in a connection loss and
subsequent factory reset.
Required Port Mode
– set the LAN port mode to be preferred: Automatic or Half Duplex –
10 Mbps. The bit rate is reduced to 10 Mbps in case the available LAN cabling is unreliable
for a 100 Mbps traffic.
Current Port State
– current LAN port state: Half or Full Duplex – 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps.
Verify the network address accessibility
– verify the network address accessibility via
the Ping command in standard operating systems. Press Ping to display a dialogue for you
to enter the IP address/domain name and press Ping to send the test data to the set
address. If the IP address/domain name is invalid, a warning is displayed and the Ping
button remains inactive until the IP address becomes valid. The dialogue also displays the
procedure state and result. Failed means that either the IP address was unavailable within
10 s or it was impossible to translate the domain name into an address. If a valid response
is received, the response sending IP address and response waiting time in milliseconds are
displayed. Press Ping again to send another query to the same address.