2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
2.5 Types of 2N® BRI Enterprise Connection
This subsection deals with the types of connection of the
2N BRI Enterprise
to the main ISDN BRI extension.
ISDN TE – 2N ® BRI Enterprise Connection
The connection type shown in the figure below provides communication via a GSM
/UMTS gateway without PSTN connection. The ISDN telephone sets are connected to
the NT port of the GSM gateway, while a mains adapter simulating power supply from
the PSTN is connected to the TE port. The adapter is available under Part No.
2N ® BRI Enterprise Point-to-Point Connection
This type of connection is especially suitable for direct calls from an ISDN branch
network to a GSM/UMTS network.
Another possible connection type is NT, where gateway synchronisation is derived
from the PSTN BRI extension.