3 - В отличие от бытовых отходов, устройство необходимо передать в
соответствующий пункт по приему электрического и электротехническо-
го оборудования с целью утилизации и переработки. За неправильную
утилизацию отходов предусмотрены штрафы, в соответствии с действую-
щим законодательством Украины.
При соблюдении пользователем правил, с учетом предупредительных
мер, указанных в руководстве по эксплуатации, устройство безопасно
при использовании и не наносит вреда окружающей среде и человеку.
Use of the device after the expiration date and disposal.
1 - The calculated minimum service life of the device set by the manufacturer
for processor cooling is 10 years and is valid provided that the product
is used exclusively for its own needs, also if the consumer observes the
rules of operation, storage and transportation of the product. Subject to
careful handling of the product and compliance with the rules of operation,
the actual service life may exceed the estimated service life set by the
2 - After the expiration of the product, it is desirable to contact an authorized
service center for preventive maintenance of the product and determine its
suitability for further operation. Works on preventive maintenance of the
product and its diagnostics are performed by authorized service centers on
a paid basis.
3 - In contrast to household waste, the device must be transferred to the
appropriate point for receiving electrical and electrical equipment for
disposal and recycling. Penalties are provided for improper waste disposal in
accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
If the user follows the rules, taking into account the
precautions specified in the operation manual, the device is
safe to use and does not harm the environment and people.