UAFC User Manual, Release Date: Aug 2 2016
4.1 Establishing Communications
Select the correct ComPort, see section 2.1, and hit the “Get Device info”, UAFC Edit will query UAFC and fetch hardware and firmware IDs. It is
a good idea to hit the “Get device info” to test the communications link before attempting to download settings to UAFC.
4.2 Download, Read, Validate
Globals and Bank forms have; Download, Read, and Validate, menu items.
Download: This will download the current settings on screen to UAFC. After download, UAFC Edit will automatically validate the data by
reading the data back from UAFC and comparing it with what is on the screen.
Read: This will read the settings stored on UAFC to the screen, this will overwrite current values displayed on screen.