The Netherlands
E-mail: [email protected]
Combined charger/inverter with 1
enable/disable or no enable/disable
In ”normal mode” the BMS will switch off
the charge relay when the battery pack is
full. However, this would mean the
shared power will be switched off and the
user is not able to discharge. For this case
the BMS can be configured in “critical
mode”. The BMS will only switch the
power off in case there is a critical error
condition. Connect the charge and load
relay of the BMS in series to get a
combined charge/load signal. Now you
can switch a power relay or the
enable/disable signal of the device.
The charger/inverter floating voltages
need to match the battery pack to
operate correctly.
Separate battery sections
When the battery pack has separated battery
banks the interconnection has to be changed
to prevent electromagnetic interference from
other components in the system. In this case
twisted pair wire will be used. The data
connection has to be galvanic isolated.
The last Cell Board of the first battery bank in
the cell chain doesn’t have to be modified.
Only the First Cell Board of the second battery
bank has to be modified.
This can be done by the following procedure:
Cut off the PCB track between the
two solder pads (red line in the
picture below).
Solder a little wire between the two
solder pads (green line in the
picture below).
Use a twisted pair cable for Cell
Board communication between the
first pack and the second pack.