SBP-1100e User Manual |
light, or Hibernation. Accordingly, the second line of the LCD will display Charging, Dschging, Idle, or Twilight in response
to pressing the ‘SCROLL’ button, at the appropriate step in the display cycle, when the unit is not in hibernation. When in
hibernation mode, the control panel is not active and there will be no response to button presses. The SBP-1100e will
come out of hibernation mode and the user interface will come back to life within three seconds after external power is
applied, or usually, if RESET is pressed.
In the example below, the unit is taking in power on the input connector, and if it continues at this rate it will be fully
charged in approximately 4.5 hours.
Charging 4.5HR
In the example below, the unit is discharging, and if it continues at this rate it will be fully discharged in approximately
3.0 hours.
Dschging 3.0HR
In the example below, the unit is neither charging nor discharging, and is not powering a load, and thus is said to be
In the example below, the unit is both charging or discharging, that is, some internal batteries are being charged while
others are being discharged.
Dschrge & Charge
In the example below, the input voltage and input current are displayed.
In 23.5V 3.2A
In the example below, the output voltage and output current are displayed.
Out 13.8V 4.3A
In the examples below, the input power converter operating temperature, and the output power converter operating
temperature, respectively, in degrees Celsius, are displayed.
In Temptr +27C
Out 43C
In the event that the operating temperature of the input power converter reaches 95º C, charging will be automatically
cut off until the temperature falls below 90º C. Likewise, if the operating temperature of the output power converter
reaches 95º C, the power output will be automatically cut off until the temperature falls below 90º C.
In addition to the informational responses which appear on the LCD in response to pressing the ‘SCROLL’ button, spon-
taneous informational messages or warnings may appear on the LCD.