Copyright 1010music LLC 2020
Bluebox User Manual v 1.0.5
Page 13 of 50
Jan 7, 2021
MIXER Mode vs TRACK Mode
MIXER and TRACK mode both allow you to control the same settings, but they let you
approach them from different perspectives. When should you use each one?
When to Use MIXER Mode
Use MIXER mode when you want to focus on one setting and control it for multiple tracks.
In this mode, each knob controls the selected setting for a different track. Select a setting
to control from the bottom of the screen, and use the knobs to adjust the different tracks
at the top of the screen.
When to Use TRACK Mode
Use TRACK mode when you want to narrow your focus to one track and control various
settings for that track all at once. In this mode, each knob controls a different setting for
the selected track.
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8
Choose a Track Setting
Knobs control tracks
at the top of the screen
Select a
group of
tracks for
the knobs
MIXER Mode Controls
TRACK Mode Controls
Choose a Track
Select a
control bank
for the knobs
Knobs control the
bottom of the screen