User manual
VER 1.05
General Information
1.1 Manual organization
This user manual is inteded to give all kind of information regarding H3 handheld terminal. Chapter 1
is dedicated to general information, operation and safety main notices and an high level explanation
of the device. Chapter 2 at first gives an overview to each component and then gives the detailed
technical data.
1.2 Organization of safety notices
All safety notices in this manual are specified as follows:
Safety notice
Respecting guidelines and regulations avoids life-risks
Respecting guidelines and regulations avoids severe inju-
ries or damage to material
Respecting guidelines and regulations avoids injuries or
damage to material
Respecting guidelines and regulations avoids errors
1.3 Safety guidelines
1.3.1 Responsibilities
H3 handheld terminal is a small, light and comfortable remote system controller which, appositely
configured and connected to a machine control logic and safety, guarantees machine control and
configuration and the implementation of safety related functions.
All configuration and control commands selected through the keyboard or the touch screen display,
the optional handwheel and the potentiometers status are sent to the machine control logic through
a serial or ethernet communication channel. H3 is available in two versions, depending on the
desired communication interface: ETHERNET or RS-422.
The safety related devices available on the H3 handheld terminal are: Emergency Stop push-button,
Enabling Device and State Selector.
All handheld terminal outputs: ETHERNET/RS-422 signals and the safety related devices outputs,
are cable connected to the machine control logic.