background image

H i g h e r   P e r f o r m a n c e   A n t e n n a s   f o r   M u l t i p l e   A p p l i c a

Z y A I R   B - 1 0 1   S p e c i f i c a t i o n

Integrated wireless products such as the ZyAIR B-1000 Access Point, B-2000 Gateway and B-300 PCI Card offer detachable 

factory antennas which can be replaced with higher performance ZyAIR antennas. Other products, such as ZyXEL’s Prestige 

650HW and the ZyWALL 10W are wireless-ready, which means that they gain wireless functionality through the insertion of a 

wireless PC card. For improved antenna performance with wireless-ready devices, ZyXEL offers the ZyAIR B-101 PC card. The 

B-101 has a MMCX connector which can attach to an external ZyAIR antenna by using a standard MMCX to SMA connector 

cable. If the user’s work area is obstructed, the external antenna can be raised to improve reception and link quality. Installation 

instructions for both types of devices are shown below.

I. To Replace Detachable Antennas from Integrated Wireless Devices

  (eg. The ZyAIR B-1000, ZyAIR B-2000 and ZyAIR B-300)

  Sometimes the work environment requires more powerful antennas than those supplied by the factory. If wireless coverage   

  or reach distance is less than satisfactory, high gain or directional antennas can be installed to provide better performance for  

  all wireless applications.


Installation Steps

  1. Detach the factory antennas from the SMA connectors on the wireless device.   

  2. Screw the performance-enhancing antennas into the SMA connectors. 

  3. Place the antenna in the desired position.

ZyAIR B-101


Wireless LAN PC card with Detachable Antenna



• Wire-free access to networked resources from anywhere.

• Detachable antenna design allows user to change to high gain antenna for  

  different applications.

• Delivers data rates up to 11Mbps.

• Uses 2.4GHz frequency band, which complies with worldwide requirements.

• Ensures great security by providing the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)  

  defined in the IEEE 802.11b standard.

• Supports most popular operating systems: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP.

Place the antenna in the 

desired position.

Screw the performance-

enhancing antennas into the 

SMA connectors.

Detach the factory antennas from 

the SMA connectors on the 

wireless device. 

ZyAIR Antenna

Extend Y

our ZyAIR






