1. The detector sounds as long as the test button is pressed for 3 seconds or
there is smoke in the detector. When the detector goes off, always check
carefully to see that there is no fire and never remove the battery from the
detector except when changing it!
2. Always test the detector immediately after returning from holiday, after a longer
period of absence or periodically to ensure the detector funtions normally.
Under the test button, there is a red control LED which flashes once every 30
seconds. It indicates the detector is under normal operation. When Smoke
Detector senses smoke and simultaneously sounds an audible alarm, the red
LED will flash frequently, once 0.67 seconds. If the detector does not sound
when testing, the battery must be replaced.
Never use an open flame to test your detector. You may set fire to
damage the detector, as well as your home.
: When you are not testing the unit and the alarm horn sounds a loud
continuous sound, this means the detector has sensed smoke or combustion
particles in the air. Be sure that the alarm horn is a warning of a possible
serious situation, which requires your immediate attention.
1. Z-Wave
’s Group (Association Command Class Version 2)
The Smoke Detector supports one association group with five nodes. This has
the effect that when the detector is triggered, all devices associated with the
detector will receive the relevant reports. There are two main kinds of reports:
sections below for more details on the reports that the detector will emit when
event occurs.
1.1 POWER_APPLIED command
The Smoke Detector will send ALARM_REPORT command to the nodes of
Grouping 1 to inform the devices that the detector is powered up.
[Command Class Alarm, Alarm Type = 0x02, Alarm Level = 0x01]
1.2 Smoke Event Report
Once the detector has been triggered by smoke, the detector will send
SENSOR_ALARM_REPORT (Sensor State = 0xFF) to the nodes of Grouping 1
to inform them there is a smoke event; wait till the smoke is discharged,
SENSOR_ALARM_REPORT (Sensor State = 0x00) will be sent to the
associated devices.
Event Present:
[Command Class Sensor Alarm, Sensor Alarm Report, Sensor Type
Smoke Alarm State = 255 (0 x FF), Seconds = 0x00]
Event Clear:
[Command Class Sensor Alarm, Sensor Alarm Report, Sensor Type
Smoke Alarm State = 0, Seconds = 0x00]
1.3 Tamper Trigger Report
When the tamper is triggered (that is, the detector is opened with tamper switch
being released), the detector will emit ALARM_REPORT command to the
nodes of Grouping 1.
[Command Class Alarm, Alarm Type = 0x01, Alarm Level = 17(0x11)]
If you press test button under low battery status while tamper switch is
released, the status LED will flash once.
1.4 Low Battery Report
When the battery level of the detector drops to an unacceptable level, the
detector will sound once every 30 seconds and send BATTERY_REPORT
command to the nodes of Grouping 1 once per hour.
[Command Class Alarm, Alarm Type = 0x01, Alarm Level = 255(0xFF)]
The users can also enquire the battery status of the detector by sending
BATTERY_ GET command via controller, however, this procedure can only be
done during 5-second time allowance after the tamper switch/detector being
triggered or 10 minutes wakeup time when power is first applied. Once the