P-660H-Tx v2 Support Notes
8. What are the signaling pins of the ADSL connector?
The signaling pins on the P-660H-Tx v2's ADSL connector are pin 3 and pin 4.
The middle two pins for a RJ11 cable.
9. What is triple play?
More and more Telco/ISPs are providing three kinds of services (VoIP, Video
and Internet) over one existing ADSL connection.
The different services (such as video, VoIP and Internet access) require
different Qulity of Service.
The high priority is Voice (VoIP) data.
The Medium priority is Video (IPTV) data.
The low priority is internet access such as ftp etc …
Triple Play is a port-based policy to forward packets from different LAN port to
different PVCs, thus you can configure each PVC separately to assign different
QoS to different application.
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