SG-289 User’s Manual v1.1
3.2 GPS Viewer for Testing
Install a GPS Viewer program to host device. You may check the status of the GPS receiver whenever you
like to. Following are standard buttons and operation steps.
(a) Execute the Viewer program. Press the “Com Port:” button to set “Com Port” for this data link and
the “Baudrate” to any one of 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400…
(b) Click “Start” to receive data. Usually a window shows the NMEA format data stream while another
window shows tracked satellites signal quality.
(c) Once the link is successful, click “Stop” button to stop the program. However, you may click, for
example, the “Cold Start” button to perform “cold start” testing.
3.3 Function
As soon as the power on, the SG-289 Bluetooth GPS receiver begins the process of satellite acquisition,
tracking, and Bluetooth radio connection. Under normal circumstances, it takes around 42 seconds
(average) to achieve a position fix at the first time. After a position fix has been calculated, information
about valid position, velocity, and time is transmitted over the output channel. The SG-289 Bluetooth GPS
receiver utilizes initial data, such as last stored position, date, time and satellite orbital data, to achieve
maximum acquisition performance. If significant inaccuracy exists in the initial data or the orbital data is
obsolete, it may take more time to achieve a navigation solution.
3.4 Navigation
After the acquisition process is complete, the SG-289 Bluetooth GPS receiver sends valid navigation
information over output channels. These data include:
1) Latitude/longitude/altitude
2) Velocity
3) Date/time
4) Error estimates
5) Satellite and receiver status