ZXV10 W615 User Manual
58 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
2. Set the host name.
i. Select
Application > DNS Service > Hosts
. The following page is
ii. In the
Host Name
IP Address
text boxes, enter the host name and
corresponding IP address respectively.
iii. Click
The items with dimmed buttons are allocated from a DHCP server
and cannot be operated.
– Click
to edit the corresponding host information.
– Click
to delete the corresponding host information.
Quality of Service (QoS) defines the quality agreement on the information
transmission and sharing between network users. For example, the allowed
transmission delay time, the degree of distortion, and the synchronization of
audio and video.
The concept of Class of Service is introduced to QoS frame. By using QoS,
ZXV10 W615 can completely control the incoming and outgoing data packets
of this device. For the incoming data packet, it is required to convert its field
mapping (such as ToS and priority) to queue. For the outgoing data packet, it
is required to convert its queue to field mapping.