Mark an Email as Unread
You can return a read email to the unread state
—for example,
to remind yourself to read it again later. You can also mark a
batch of emails as unread.
While reading a message, touch the
Menu Key > Mark as
While in a message list (for instance, the inbox), touch the
checkboxes before the messages and then touch
Delete an Email
You can delete an email from its folder. You can also delete a
batch of emails.
While reading a message, touch
> OK
While in a message list (for instance, the inbox), touch the
checkboxes before the messages and then touch
> OK
Writing and Sending an Email
1. Open your email Inbox.
2. Touch
to open the compose screen.
3. If you have more than one email accounts added on the
device, touch the sender line to select the account you want
to use for sending the message.