TribeStar Users Guide
Unpacking TribeStar
Unpacking TribeStar
Thank you for choosing TribeStar, the revolutionary multi-port LocalTalk-to-
Ethernet switching hub. Zoom Telephonics is a leader in value-added equipment
for AppleTalk, offering unique, easy-to-use products to help you optimize the
performance of your networks.
In addition to this user’s guide, the TribeStar package includes:
A power cord.
A wall mounting bracket.
The SwitchMonitor disk, which contains the SwitchMonitor network manage-
ment software.
Note the location and names of the various ports and items on the TribeStar unit
in the following illustration. Knowledge of each of these will be important during
the installation process and when troubleshooting any problems.
E th e rn e t
L ig h t
5 0 -P in
R J -2 1 C o n n e c to r
L o ca lTa lk
L ig h ts
R e d : P o rt R e c e iv in g
G re e n : P o rt Tra n s m ittin g
A m b e r: S e e th e "Trib e sta r's D e sig n " S e ctio n
P o w e r
S ta tu s L ig h t
E th e rn e t
E N # 0 0 4 0 3 6 0 1 0 6 F 0
yE xD x lV C o C cq R LW Q
M a e lP co d e
F a n
P lu g
O n /O ff
S w itc h
F u tu re
U s e