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ZTSD 36 B1


The fur to be cut must be dry and clean . Brush the 
fur through to remove any knots .
1) Remove the blade guard 


 from the cutting 




2) Place the required trimming guide (




) with 

the prongs facing upwards on the cutting head 



and thereby press the flap of the trimming guide 




) down firmly onto the lower metal edge 

of the cutting head 


 (see illustration) .



 Ensure that the trimming guide (




) has 

properly engaged and is secured before starting 
to cut/trim the fur .



It is advisable to first trim a small area so as to 
test the individual comb attachments (




) . 

Start with a comb attachment for long hair 


 or 3/8“ 


) and, if necessary, use a 

shorter one . The comb attachments (




permit cutting lengths from 3 to 13 mm .

3) Switch the appliance on by sliding the On/Off 



 to the position “ON“ . 

4) Slowly run the appliance through the fur against 

the direction of hair growth . Hold the appliance 
so that the trimming guide (




) is as flat as 

possible against the animal .

In addition, with the adjustment switch 



cutting length of the cutter head 


 can be 

adjusted in steps(up to 2 mm) without having 
to exchange the comb attachment (




) . 

To do this, slide the adjustment switch 


backwards to increase the cutting length in 
steps . With this the cutting length of the 
respectively attached comb attachment is also 
increased by up to 2 mm .  

Slide the adjustment switch 


 forward again 

to reduce the cutting length or to bring the 
comb attachment (




) back into its 

original position .

Through removal of the individual trimming 
guide (




), i .e . using only the cutting 



 itself, you can cut clean contours .

5)  After use, switch the appliance off by sliding the 

On/Off switch 


 to the position “OFF“ .

Cleaning and Care



Before cleaning, remove the plug from the 
mains power socket .



NEVER submerse the appliance in water or 
other liquids .


Take the respective trimming guide (




), if 

fitted, off .


Using exclusively the cleaning brush 


, remove 

the hairs from the cutting head 


 . Wipe off the 

cutting head 


 with a damp cloth . After this, 

dry the cutting head 


off with a dry cloth . 

We recommend that you occasionally clean the 
cutting head 


 with medicinal alcohol .


 If in regular use, the cutting head 


 should be 

oiled occasionally . For this, use the supplied 
blade oil 




 Remove excess oil with a dry cloth .


 Clean the housing with a soft, dry lint-free cloth . 
In cases of stubborn soiling, clean the housing 
using a damp cloth and then dry it off with a dry 
cloth . 


Clean the trimming guides (




) in warm 

water . Add a little mild detergent . Dry all parts 
well before re-use .

Store the appliance in a dry and dust free 
location . When it is in storage, place the blade 


on the cutting head 



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22.01.19   12:17

Содержание 315533

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Страница 20: ...erial fornecido 18 Descri o do aparelho 18 Dados t cnicos 18 Indica es de seguran a 19 Funcionamento 22 Limpeza e tratamento 22 Elimina o 23 Garantia da Kompernass Handels GmbH 23 Assist ncia T cnica...

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Страница 26: ...m direitos legais contra o vendedor do produto Estes direitos legais n o s o limitados pela nossa garantia que passamos a transcrever Condi es de garantia O prazo de garantia tem in cio na data da com...

Страница 27: ...o da garantia Para garantir um processamento r pido do seu pedido siga por favor as seguintes instru es Para todos os pedidos de esclarecimento tenha m o o tal o de compra e o n mero do artigo p ex IA...

Страница 28: ...ed use 26 Items supplied 26 Description of the appliance 26 Technical Data 26 Safety instructions 27 Operation 30 Cleaning and Care 30 Disposal 31 Kompernass Handels GmbH warranty 31 Service 32 Import...

Страница 29: than as described here is not permitted and may cause damage or injury For damage resulting from misuse or improper handling the use of force or unauthorized modification no liability will be assum...

Страница 30: Service Department Do not use the appliance in the close vicinity of a bath shower or a sink filled with water The proximity of moisture presents a danger even when the appliance is switched off Ne...

Страница 31: ...ance may not be carried out by unsupervised children Use only the original accessory parts for this device Check the cutting head for proper function before using the appliance Never use the appliance...

Страница 32: attention In case of contact with the eyes Rinse the open eye for several minutes in fresh running water If symptoms persist consult a doctor Dispose of the oil and oil container in accordance wit...

Страница 33: ...of the respectively attached comb attachment is also increased by up to 2 mm Slide the adjustment switch 4 forward again to reduce the cutting length or to bring the comb attachment 1 6 back into its...

Страница 34: ...statutory rights are not restricted in any way by the warranty described below Warranty conditions The validity period of the warranty starts from the date of purchase Please keep your original recei...

Страница 35: ...ensure quick processing of your case please observe the following instructions Please have the till receipt and the item number e g IAN 12345 available as proof of purchase You will find the item numb...

Страница 36: ...ungsgem e Verwendung 34 Lieferumfang 34 Ger tebeschreibung 34 Technische Daten 34 Sicherheitshinweise 35 Bedienung 38 Reinigung und Pflege 38 Entsorgung 39 Garantie der Komperna Handels GmbH 39 Servic...

Страница 37: ...e Verwendung als hier beschrieben ist nicht zul ssig und kann zu Besch digungen und Verlet zungen f hren F r Sch den die von missbr uch licher oder unsachgem er Behandlung von Ge waltanwendung oder un...

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Страница 39: ...enutzer d rfen nicht von Kindern ohne Beaufsichtigung durchgef hrt werden Verwenden Sie nur die Original Zubeh rteile zu diesem Ger t Pr fen Sie den Scherkopf auf einwandfreie Funktion bevor Sie das G...

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Страница 41: ...e Schnittl nge stufenweise zu erh hen Auch die Schnittl nge des jeweilig aufgesetz ten Kammaufsatzes 1 6 wird dadurch um bis zu 2 mm erh ht Schieben Sie den Verstellschalter 4 nach vorne um die Schnit...

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Страница 43: ...eisten folgen Sie bitte den folgenden Hin weisen Bitte halten Sie f r alle Anfragen den Kassenbon und die Artikelnummer z B IAN 12345 als Nachweis f r den Kauf bereit Die Artikelnummer entnehmen Sie b...

Страница 44: ...ELS GMBH BURGSTRASSE 21 DE 44867 BOCHUM GERMANY www kompernass com Estado de las informaciones Versione delle informazioni Estado das informa es Last Information Update Stand der Informationen 01 2019...
