Thank you for your purchase of a Zomeworks Track Rack™. The Zomeworks Track Rack is
an ingenious and economical way to increase the annual output of photovoltaic modules by
an average of 25% over those mounted on a fixed array.
Tracker Operation
The Track Rack™ changes its orientation to the sun by shifting a mass of refrigerant between
canisters on the east and west sides through a copper tube located at the southern-most end
of the canisters. Aluminum “shadow plates” vary the amount of sunlight hitting both canisters.
When the rack is not directly facing the sun, the canister farther from the sun absorbs more
heat and builds pressure. This forces the fluid to move to the other canister, resulting in
movement of the rack. Tracking is the result of a constant search for equilibrium. This process
is effective throughout a very wide temperature range, and works well even in hazy and
intermittent light conditions.
Choosing A Location
Choose a location where the tracker will receive clear, unobstructed light throughout the day.
Keep in mind that the Sun rises and sets north of east and west in the summer, and rises and
sets south of east and west in the winter. It is particularly important that your Track Rack™
receive morning light that is unshaded by structures, trees, bushes, etc. As the rack starts the
day facing west (the position as of the previous sunset), clear morning light is required to “flip”
the rack to the east. Morning shadows will delay wake-up time.
Trackers and Wind
The shock absorbers are the first line of defense for the Track Rack™ against wind. They
prevent sudden gusts from pushing the rack off-course, as well as restricting any violent
movement that may harm the rack and modules. The shocks yield to a constant force by
design, thus promoting tracking and, as a result, will be affected in a constant wind-loading
situation. The bumper bolt/s are the second failsafe in the structure. They prevent
catastrophic failure from occurring by limiting the overall travel of the Track Rack™.