© Copyright 2008 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved.
Outdoor Prepackaged System Installation Instructions
1. Review the drawing in Fig. 3 on page 8 and the actual sys tem
to be come fa mil iar with the components in the pack aged
grind er pump sys tem. Re view where the unit will be in stalled.
Determine where the power feed, inlet pipe, and discharge
pipe will be located.
2. Remove the unit from packing. Prepackaged outdoor sys tems
are preassembled at the Zoeller Company and re quire a
min i mum of
eld assembly work. Float switches are set and
teth ered for proper operation from the Fac to ry. Sys tems using
an automatic unit, WD or WH series, have an integral “on/off”
oat switch. See Fig. 4 on page 5 for ad just ment instructions.
The alarm switch should be lo cat ed 3” above the pump “on”
level. Three
oat sys tems used with a control panel are placed
at 27”, 24”, and 15” from the bot tom of the ba sin. Four
sys tems used with a control panel are placed at 30”, 27”, 24”,
and 15” from the bottom of the basin. If the invert location is at
or below the level of the
oat switches, contact the factory.
3. Float switches are tied in place for shipping purposes on all
model prepackaged systems. Cut the cable tie around each
oat switch bulb or the unit will not operate properly. Ver i fy that
where the
oat switches are set will work for your ap pli ca tion.
Verifying that the
oat switches are set prop er ly and will
not hang up inside the basin is the re spon si bil i ty of the
installing contractor.
4. Dig a hole for the basin. The hole should be at least 24”
larger in diameter than the basin diameter to provide 12” of
ll all around and deep enough to provide either 12” of
com pact ed back
ll or 6” when a concrete pad is required.
Note: Care must be taken when excavating in order to
avoid underground utilities and disturbance of ex ist ing
struc ture foun da tions. The hole should be located at least
ten feet from adjacent structures. Ad di tion al dis tance may
be required to suf
ciently locate the basin outside of the
load ing area of the adjacent structures.
5. The location of the inlet hub is determined by the depth of the
inlet pipe. The inlet hub must be used with 4” pipe. It is best
to in stall the inlet on the side of the basin op po site the
switch es. To install, use a 4” hole saw to drill into the side of the
basin at the cor rect el e va tion. Center the hub inner di am e ter
with the hole in the basin. Attach the hub to the side of the
basin using the sealant and hard ware pro vid ed.
6. The bottom of the ex ca va tion can now be properly back
com pact ed and leveled. Set basin in hole. En sure the
removable cover extends above the
nished grade line and
the grade slopes away from the unit. Back
ll and subbase
should be 1/8” –3/4” pea gravel or 1/8” –1/2” crushed stone.
(Ref er ence basin installation in struc tions included with unit.)
Connect the 4” inlet pipe to the inlet hub.
7. Pouring a concrete anchor around system can now be
com plet ed. Basin should be
lled with water when pouring
concrete to min i mize movement of the system. Back
around basin with spec i
ed media. Care should be used
to avoid damaging com po nents or leaving voids when back
lling. Refer to Basin installation ref er ence guide on more
c requirements.
8. PVC or HDPE discharge piping is connected to the 1¼”
threaded fitting located in the basin sidewall. Support
discharge piping with suf
cient back
9. On basin depths of 72” and greater, the system’s disconnect
assembly is shipped loose and must be screwed into the
discharge piping. Apply pipe dope to threaded connection.
10. Connect pull rod to Pump assembly. Connect lift cable to top
of pump. Lower the pump into basin ensuring the dis charge
pipe brack et slides into the dis con nect
Note: The grinder basin is a sewage holding tank. Vent
connection should be installed in accordance with all
national, state and local plumbing codes.
12. Dig a trench for the electrical conduit. The conduit should be
lo cat ed below the frost line. Follow all applicable electrical
13. Con nect elec tri cal conduit and wiring to junction box
ac cord ing to wiring in struc tions included in this man u al and
wiring diagram in box. Use the potting kit provided with the
junction box. Follow the instructions for sealing the conduit
connection at the junction box.
14. Mount the control panel within sight of the system. Connect
oat switches and pump cords according to the “Pump Wir ing
In struc tions” found later in this manual and located inside the
panel enclosure.
15. Remove any debris from the basin. Using clean water, check
the system for proper operation.
16. Seal and secure the lid using the proper bolts and seal ant
when using a lid without a formed gasket.
17. Test system for leaks and proper pump operation.
18. Record system start up data for future reference.
This set of instructions is for factory prepackaged outdoor grinder systems only. If this is a
eld as sem bled
outdoor sys tem you can use these in struc tions as a guideline. If this is an indoor system then go back to pages 6-7 in this manual
that cov ers indoor systems.