Little or no
1. Casing not initially filled with water
1. Fill pump casing
2. Suction lift too high, or too long
2. Move pump closer to water source
3. Hole or air leak in suction line
3. Repair or replace. Use pipe tape and
pipe sealing compound
4. Foot valve too small
4. Match foot valve to piping or install
one size larger foot valve.
5. Foot valve or suction line not
submerged deep enough in water
5. Submerge lower in water
6. Motor wired incorrectly
6. Check wiring diagram
7. Casing gasket leaking
7. Replace
8. Suction or discharge line valves
8. Open
Pump will not
deliver water
or develop
1. No priming water in casing
1. Fill pump casing
2. Leak in suction line
2. Repair or replace
3. Discharge line is closed and priming
air has nowhere to go
3. Open ball valve
4. Suction line (or valve) is closed
4. Open
5. Foot valve is leaking
5. Replace foot valve
6. Suction screen clogged
6. Clean or replace
Loss of suction 1. Air leak in suction line
1. Repair or replace
2. Suction lift too high
2. Lower suction lift, install foot valve
and prime
3. Insufficient inlet pressure or suction
3. Increase inlet pressure by adding
more water to tank or increasing back
4. Clogged foot valve or strainer
4. Unclog
Pump vibrates
and/or makes
1. Mounting plate or foundation not rigid
1. Reinforce
2. Foreign material in pump
2. Disassemble pump and clean
3. Impeller damaged
3. Replace
4. Worn motor bearings
4. Replace
Pump will not
start or run
1. Improperly wired
1. Check wiring diagram on motor
2. Blown fuse or open circuit breaker
2. Replace fuse or close circuit breaker
3. Loose or broken wiring
3. Tighten connections, replace broken
4. Stone or foreign object lodged in
4. Disassemble pump and remove
foreign object
5. Motor shorted out
5. Replace
6. Thermal overload has opened circuit
6. Allow unit to cool, restart after reason
for overload has been determined