❷ Use
2.1 I Operati ng principle
Your heat pump uses the calories (heat) in the air to heat up your pool's water. The process to heat your pool's water to
the temperature you want may take a few days as it depends on the weather conditi ons, your heat pump's power and
the diff erence between the water temperature and the temperature you want. .
The warmer and damper the air, the bett er your heat pump will perform.
Tip: improve your pool's temperature rise and maintenance
Anti cipate and plan the use of your pool well enough in advance before you use it.
For the temperature rise, set the water circulati on to conti nuous operati on (24/24).
To maintain the temperature throughout the season, run "automati c" circulati on for at least 12 hours/
day (the longer this ti me the longer the heat pump will have enough operati ng range to heat up).
Cover the pool with a an appropriate pool cover (bubble canopy, canvas, etc.) to prevent heat loss.
Take advantage of a period with mild outdoor temperatures (on average > 10°C at night); it will be even
more eff ecti ve if it runs during the warmest hours of the day.
Keep the evaporator clean.
Set the temperature you want and let the heat pump run (adjusti ng the setpoint to maximum will not
heat the water more quickly).
2.2 I User interface presentati on
Water temperature
Back butt on
Alarm deacti vati on butt on
Parameter access butt on
Entry/display/validati on in a parameter butt on
Single press: sensor value reading (see § “2.4.2 Sensor temperature reading”)
5-second press: start/stop the device in heati ng mode (default mode)
In the parameters menu:
Butt on to navigate from the top in the parameters
Value increase butt on
Single press: sensor value reading (see § “2.4.2 Sensor temperature reading”)
5-second press: start/stop the device in cooling mode (if acti vated)
In the parameters menu:
Butt on to navigate from the bott om in the parameters
Value reduce butt on
Designati on
Heati ng mode
In operati on
Cooling mode
In operati on
Alarm acti ve
Condenser anti -freeze resistance In operati on
Defrosti ng
In operati on
In operati ng request
In operati on
In operati on
Compressor (1 + 2 on TD50)
In operati on
In operati ng request