2.4 Installing the flow controller
The fl ow controller and its fi xture collar (Ø50 mm) must be installed on the piping close to the cell and upstream from it.
Use the supplied threaded adapter and Tefl on tape to install the fl ow controller on its fi xture collar.
Cell installed on a by-pass: the fl ow controller must be installed on the cell by-pass between the upstream isolati on
valve and the cell itself.
Cell installed in line: the fl ow controller must be installed just in front of the cell and aft er a possible valve.
Tighten the fl ow controller using the ti ghtening nut only (ti ghten by hand!).
Failure to follow these instructi ons could lead to the destructi on of the cell ! (see “2.3 Installing the cell”). The
manufacturer cannot be liable in this case.
The fl ow detector has a directi on for installati on (arrow indicated on it showing the fl ow directi on for the
water). Make sure that is is correctly placed on its fi xture collar so that it stops the chlorinator producti on when
fi ltering is stopped (red “Flow” indicator on showing the absence of fl ow, see “5. Troubleshooti ng”).
2.5 Electric connections
2.5.1 Connecti ng the power pack
The chlorinator can be connected in several diff erent ways. Be sure to comply with all applicable installati on codes and
standards in the country of installati on.
Preferred Connecti on: the appliance, including the provided fl ow controller, is connected to a permanent power supply,
which is separate from the power supply controlling the fi ltrati on pump. The power supply for the appliance must
be protected by a 30mA Residual Current Device (RCD) / Ground Fault Circuit Breaker, which is not provided with the
appliance and must be sourced separately or provided by the installer.
Possible connecti on: the appliance is connected directly with the pool fi ltrati on power circuit, thereby allowing power
to be supplied to it only when the fi ltrati on pump is operati ng.
When all connecti ons have been completed and all glued assemblies have dried, reconnect the mains power supply to
power on the appliance.
Whichever connecti on is used, it is mandatory to programme the chlorinator operati ng ti mes (called “Timers”)
(see “3.2.2 Programming Menu (Timers)”).