To be checked
• Check the system is tight: between the automatic pool
cleaner and hose, between each of the hose sections,
between the hose and the valve, between the valve
and the skimmer.
The problem is undoubtedly because the Manta II is not
assembled in the way best suited to the shape and
obstructions in your pool.
You have four options:
• Lastly, you can fit the large circular deflector to the
hose adapter after the short hose fixed to the cleaner
If none of these options resolves the problem,
connect the hose to the vacuum point the furthest away
from the steps, or shorten the hose to prevent it from
coming to rest on the steps.
• You can also fit the small circular deflector to the hose
adapter, after the short hose fixed to the cleaner (19),
• You can fit the large circular deflector instead of the
small one with the hose adapter immediately after the
cleaner (18),
The Manta II moves very slowly
and air bubbles appear
in the flow:
The Manta II jams against
the ladder or steps:
The Manta II does not clean
all parts of the pool:
The Manta II will not stay
on the bottom of the pool:
The Manta II jams
on the main sump:
The Manta II jams
against the light:
The Manta II is over
the water line:
The Manta II lies down:
To be checked
• To ensure that the entire pool is cleaned the filtration
system operating time can be reduced. For example,
6 hours filtration in two hour sessions will give better
coverage of the pool than single 6 hour filtering
• Make sure your hose is long enough and add sections
if necessary.
• Direct the inlet jets towards the bottom of the pool.
• Check the condition of the hose (see storage advice
page 16).
• Make sure the hose weight is correctly installed
(see diagram 5).
• Close the main drain.
• Check whether the main drain grill is properly fixed.
• Fit the light correctly.
• Use the control valve or adjust the opening of the
skimmers to regulate the flow of water passing
through the automatic pool cleaner.
• If the automatic pool cleaner is unbalanced, the Manta II
must be returned to the manufacturer for repair.
• You can fit the small circular deflector to the hose
adapter immediately after the cleaner (17),
8082/Notice Manta II A4 13/10/04 14:46 Page 22