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©2014 Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc. H0293700_REVB
Page 4
AquaLink® RS/PDA Power Center PCB and CPU Replacement Kits
Programming and Settings Worksheet
IMPORTANT: All programs, labels for the auxiliaries, temperature settings, JVA assignments, light
dimming assignments, and freeze protection settings are held in memory on the Power Center Printed Circuit Board
(PCB). Before changing the Main power center board, review all of these items and record them in the space provided
below. After replacement of the Main power center board, use the settings below to reprogram the new PCB.
Equipment Programs:
Reviewing Programs with the One Touch Control:
1. From the top screen select MENU/HELP to display the MENU screen.
2. On the MENU screen select PROGRAM to display the PROGRAM screen.
3. On the PROGRAM screen select each of the devices listed and review the programming settings.
Four Function Remote Button Settings:
Temperature Settings:
Freeze Protection Settings:
Aux. Label
1st On/Off Times 2nd On/Off Times Which Days
JVA or Light Dim
Filter Pump:
Filter Pump
Not Applicable
Aux. 1:
Aux. 2:
Aux. 3:
Aux. 4:
Aux. 5:
Aux. 6:
Aux. 7:
Pool Heat:
Pool Heat
Not Applicable
Spa Heat:
Spa Heat
Not Applicable
Solar Heat:
Remote Button One:
Remote Button Five:
Remote Button Two:
Remote Button Six:
Remote Buton Three:
Remote Button Seven:
Remote Button Four:
Remote Button Eight:
Activation Temperature:
Protected Equipment:
Filter Pump (by default)
Pool Temperature: Temp. 1
Spa Temperature: Temp. 2