Heati ng priority (opti onal):
The "heati ng priority" functi on is only displayed if a heati ng system and a fi lter pump (single- or variable-speed pump)
have been declared in the chlorinator.
• Press
. Browse the menu using the
butt ons.
to confi rm.
Select the speed of the pump in "heati ng priority" mode (if a compati ble Zodiac® variable-speed pump
has been declared).
Use a speed that is less than or equal to the speed normally used for fi ltrati on ti mers
- If a fi lter pump has been declared and the heati ng priority is acti vated outside of the fi ltrati on ti mers:
fi ltrati on will occur for 5 minutes every 120 minutes in order to measure the water temperature.
- If necessary, the fi lter pump and the heati ng system will be acti vated unti l the desired water temperature
setpoint is reached.